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  1. wiseowl

    Members Roses 2024

    Beautiful roses everyone.
    Beautiful roses everyone.
    Beautiful roses everyone.
    Beautiful roses everyone.
  2. wiseowl

    Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2024

    @Busy-Lizzie , see if your Doc can write you an order to see a Physical Therapist they can show you what exercises you can do to support the weak area.
    @Busy-Lizzie , see if your Doc can write you an order to see a Physical Therapist they can show you what exercises you can do to support the weak area.
    @Busy-Lizzie , see if your Doc can write you an order to see a Physical Therapist they can show you what exercises you can do to support the weak area.
    @Busy-Lizzie , see if your Doc can write you an order to see a Physical Therapist they can show you what exercises you can do to support the weak area.
  3. R Jones

    Hogweed Type Identification

    If you were going to be very ill you’d know about it by now.There may well be a lot of it about … but it’s best not growing in most folks’ gardens.Im a country girl .., Ive grown up knowing...
    If you were going to be very ill you’d know about it by now.There may well be a lot of it about … but it’s best not growing in most folks’ gardens.Im a country girl .., Ive grown up knowing what it is and how to treat it with respect. I wouldn’t have if in my garden. Families may not...
    If you were going to be very ill you’d know about it by now.There may well be a lot of it about … but it’s best not growing in most folks’ gardens.Im a country girl .., Ive grown up knowing what it is and how to treat it with respect. I...
    If you were going to be very ill you’d know about it by now.There may well be a lot of it about … but it’s best not growing in most folks’ gardens.Im a country girl .., Ive grown up knowing...
  4. Grays

    First time growing Cosmos (or anything for that matter) from seed, ready to go in the ground?

    Hi all, As the thread says, this is a first attempt at growing stuff from seed (I’ve just planted about 20 dahlias out today) do you think these Cosmos are ready to go out now, or would you wait a...
    Hi all, As the thread says, this is a first attempt at growing stuff from seed (I’ve just planted about 20 dahlias out today) do you think these Cosmos are ready to go out now, or would you wait a bit? I’ve had them outside for a few hours last couple of days, some with more than 3 leaves have...
    Hi all, As the thread says, this is a first attempt at growing stuff from seed (I’ve just planted about 20 dahlias out today) do you think these Cosmos are ready to go out now, or would you wait a bit? I’ve had them outside for a few hours last...
    Hi all, As the thread says, this is a first attempt at growing stuff from seed (I’ve just planted about 20 dahlias out today) do you think these Cosmos are ready to go out now, or would you wait a...
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  5. JWK

    What are we doing in the garden 2024

    Preparing a border to put the cosmos in and some lillies. Planted out the rest of the gladioli and some snapdragons.
    Preparing a border to put the cosmos in and some lillies. Planted out the rest of the gladioli and some snapdragons.
    Preparing a border to put the cosmos in and some lillies. Planted out the rest of the gladioli and some snapdragons.
    Preparing a border to put the cosmos in and some lillies. Planted out the rest of the gladioli and some snapdragons.
  6. BB3

    OK you bar stewards, you win but I'll be back - maybe

    I've put this chap back in a pot. He didn't stand a chance in the big wide world
    I've put this chap back in a pot. He didn't stand a chance in the big wide world
    I've put this chap back in a pot. He didn't stand a chance in the big wide world
    I've put this chap back in a pot. He didn't stand a chance in the big wide world
  7. wiseowl
    Like x 3

    Whats your weather like May 2024

    Sunny with a gentle breeze from the north west temp 19c feels like 20c
    Sunny with a gentle breeze from the north west temp 19c feels like 20c
    Sunny with a gentle breeze from the north west temp 19c feels like 20c
    Sunny with a gentle breeze from the north west temp 19c feels like 20c
  8. BenCotto

    Patio Black Spot Remover

    Wet and forget appears to be a moss and lichen killer. It kills it but you are reliant on the weather and foot traffic actually remove it as far as I can tell, I won't be buying any more might as...
    Wet and forget appears to be a moss and lichen killer. It kills it but you are reliant on the weather and foot traffic actually remove it as far as I can tell, I won't be buying any more might as well just pressure wash.
    Wet and forget appears to be a moss and lichen killer. It kills it but you are reliant on the weather and foot traffic actually remove it as far as I can tell, I won't be buying any more might as well just pressure wash.
    Wet and forget appears to be a moss and lichen killer. It kills it but you are reliant on the weather and foot traffic actually remove it as far as I can tell, I won't be buying any more might as...
  9. Stephen Southwest

    What has killed our clematis?

    Hi all, I'm hoping you can help us work out why our clematis has died. It's an armandii, white flowered, 9 years old, always been healthy and rampant. It flowered this spring as usual, and then...
    Hi all, I'm hoping you can help us work out why our clematis has died. It's an armandii, white flowered, 9 years old, always been healthy and rampant. It flowered this spring as usual, and then started to go brown from the centre outwards. It now looks completely dead. We can't see any damage to...
    Hi all, I'm hoping you can help us work out why our clematis has died. It's an armandii, white flowered, 9 years old, always been healthy and rampant. It flowered this spring as usual, and then started to go brown from the centre outwards. It now...
    Hi all, I'm hoping you can help us work out why our clematis has died. It's an armandii, white flowered, 9 years old, always been healthy and rampant. It flowered this spring as usual, and then...
    IMG_20240602_120757.jpg IMG_20240602_120632.jpg IMG_20240602_120624.jpg IMG_20240602_120619.jpg
  10. Kevin Cowans

    My Garden Progress

    Hello @Panda2Glad to know you enjoyed the Thread, the Long Thread :)It has been a long Time getting to this point and I still have the Garden Furniture to sort but that is going to be a while...
    Hello @Panda2Glad to know you enjoyed the Thread, the Long Thread :)It has been a long Time getting to this point and I still have the Garden Furniture to sort but that is going to be a while yet.I may have started the Gardens in 2019 but things really started in 2011 after my Mum Passed :sad:...
    Hello @Panda2Glad to know you enjoyed the Thread, the Long Thread :)It has been a long Time getting to this point and I still have the Garden Furniture to sort but that is going to be a while yet.I may have started the Gardens in 2019 but...
    Hello @Panda2Glad to know you enjoyed the Thread, the Long Thread :)It has been a long Time getting to this point and I still have the Garden Furniture to sort but that is going to be a while...
  11. Pink678

    Got gifted some foxgloves by the birds I think! How should I look after them?

    Beautiful! And so upright! :blue thumb: Yes, letting them self-seed is the key, though bear in mind, they mostly do not flower fill their second yr. So if you just have leaves in 12 mths time, don't panic! :biggrin:
    Beautiful! And so upright! :blue thumb: Yes, letting them self-seed is the key, though bear in mind, they mostly do not flower fill their second yr. So if you just have leaves in 12 mths time, don't panic! :biggrin:
    Beautiful! And so upright! :blue thumb: Yes, letting them self-seed is the key, though bear in mind, they mostly do not flower fill their second yr. So if you just have leaves in 12 mths time, don't panic! :biggrin:
    Beautiful! And so upright! :blue thumb: Yes, letting them self-seed is the key, though bear in mind, they mostly do not flower fill their second yr. So if you just have leaves in 12 mths time, don't panic! :biggrin:
  12. JWK

    Latest Moan From You and Me 2024

    Just watching the silaging going on near by, a big forager and looks like they found some metal in the grass as the pickup/header keeped stoping and going into rev/backwards to spit out the grass,...
    Just watching the silaging going on near by, a big forager and looks like they found some metal in the grass as the pickup/header keeped stoping and going into rev/backwards to spit out the grass, wasn't clearing so a tractor driver was there to clear grass away, well the forager was still...
    Just watching the silaging going on near by, a big forager and looks like they found some metal in the grass as the pickup/header keeped stoping and going into rev/backwards to spit out the grass, wasn't clearing so a tractor driver was there to...
    Just watching the silaging going on near by, a big forager and looks like they found some metal in the grass as the pickup/header keeped stoping and going into rev/backwards to spit out the grass,...
  13. Jowo

    Dying calathea (I think it's a calathea!)

    Hi all, I've had a thriving house plant, that I believe is a calathea for @ 4 years. Its been successfully split twice before. However this time instead of splitting o thought I'd just repot in a...
    Hi all, I've had a thriving house plant, that I believe is a calathea for @ 4 years. Its been successfully split twice before. However this time instead of splitting o thought I'd just repot in a larger container and it is literally dying before my eyes. I dont think i disturbed anything, ...
    Hi all, I've had a thriving house plant, that I believe is a calathea for @ 4 years. Its been successfully split twice before. However this time instead of splitting o thought I'd just repot in a larger container and it is literally dying before...
    Hi all, I've had a thriving house plant, that I believe is a calathea for @ 4 years. Its been successfully split twice before. However this time instead of splitting o thought I'd just repot in a...
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  14. Adam I

    F. Vesca, wild european strawberry

    After three years they really haven't spread much under our old apple tree but have self seeded a bit so have had a few plants to plant elsewhere. Will take some with me for the next garden when...
    After three years they really haven't spread much under our old apple tree but have self seeded a bit so have had a few plants to plant elsewhere. Will take some with me for the next garden when we move.
    After three years they really haven't spread much under our old apple tree but have self seeded a bit so have had a few plants to plant elsewhere. Will take some with me for the next garden when we move.
    After three years they really haven't spread much under our old apple tree but have self seeded a bit so have had a few plants to plant elsewhere. Will take some with me for the next garden when...
  15. pete
    Funny x 4

    Electric cars.

    Yes - the big motivation in funding the trials has been balancing the grid. It looks like it's just one car that's currently compatible with the Quasar 2 CCS
    Yes - the big motivation in funding the trials has been balancing the grid. It looks like it's just one car that's currently compatible with the Quasar 2 CCS
    Yes - the big motivation in funding the trials has been balancing the grid. It looks like it's just one car that's currently compatible with the Quasar 2 CCS
    Yes - the big motivation in funding the trials has been balancing the grid. It looks like it's just one car that's currently compatible with the Quasar 2 CCS
  16. Tabather

    Bumble bees

    They don't normally sting unless you get them rattled, are they bumbles or honey bees.
    They don't normally sting unless you get them rattled, are they bumbles or honey bees.
    They don't normally sting unless you get them rattled, are they bumbles or honey bees.
    They don't normally sting unless you get them rattled, are they bumbles or honey bees.
  17. MH434

    Olive tree questions

    Now that's the sort of healthy tree I'm looking for!
    Now that's the sort of healthy tree I'm looking for!
    Now that's the sort of healthy tree I'm looking for!
    Now that's the sort of healthy tree I'm looking for!
  18. latimer

    Potting up Iris - pot too small?

    Hi allAs per the title, should these be in a larger pot or will they be ok? They’ll be planted out eventuallyThanks
    Hi allAs per the title, should these be in a larger pot or will they be ok? They’ll be planted out eventuallyThanks
    Hi allAs per the title, should these be in a larger pot or will they be ok? They’ll be planted out eventuallyThanks
    Hi allAs per the title, should these be in a larger pot or will they be ok? They’ll be planted out eventuallyThanks
  19. JWK

    Tomato Growing 2024

    Frustrating! I hope you find a successful way to keep him off them next year.
    Frustrating! I hope you find a successful way to keep him off them next year.
    Frustrating! I hope you find a successful way to keep him off them next year.
    Frustrating! I hope you find a successful way to keep him off them next year.
  20. BB3

    What's the muckiest page in your cookery book? (Literally)

    Mine is also a carrot cake recipe! It’s not a book, but a folder of recipes typed out by my late grandmother.In second place, is her recipe for Peanut Butter Squares - that’s peanut butter and...
    Mine is also a carrot cake recipe! It’s not a book, but a folder of recipes typed out by my late grandmother.In second place, is her recipe for Peanut Butter Squares - that’s peanut butter and melted chocolate on that page!
    Mine is also a carrot cake recipe! It’s not a book, but a folder of recipes typed out by my late grandmother.In second place, is her recipe for Peanut Butter Squares - that’s peanut butter and melted chocolate on that page!
    Mine is also a carrot cake recipe! It’s not a book, but a folder of recipes typed out by my late grandmother.In second place, is her recipe for Peanut Butter Squares - that’s peanut butter and...
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