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  1. JWK

    What are we doing in the garden 2024

    Had a great day in the garden today. Cut back a tree as have had loads of pigeon poop issues over the entrance to my shed. (Don't worry it was throughly checked for nests-none found so all...
    Had a great day in the garden today. Cut back a tree as have had loads of pigeon poop issues over the entrance to my shed. (Don't worry it was throughly checked for nests-none found so all ok).Also planted a passionflower and a jasmine (star of toscane) to grow up the trellis’ I put up last...
    Had a great day in the garden today. Cut back a tree as have had loads of pigeon poop issues over the entrance to my shed. (Don't worry it was throughly checked for nests-none found so all ok).Also planted a passionflower and a jasmine (star...
    Had a great day in the garden today. Cut back a tree as have had loads of pigeon poop issues over the entrance to my shed. (Don't worry it was throughly checked for nests-none found so all...
    5 Jan 2023_0001.JPG 5 Jan 2023_0002.JPG 5 Jan 2023_0003.JPG winter view.jpg DSC03407.JPG spring kitchen view.jpg
  2. wiseowl

    Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2024

    @Loofah, it was "Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim" episode.
    @Loofah, it was "Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim" episode.
    @Loofah, it was "Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim" episode.
    @Loofah, it was "Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim" episode.
  3. wiseowl
  4. Papi Jo
    Like x 13

    Close-ups of flowers

    Nectaroscordum about to go pop ...
    Nectaroscordum about to go pop ...
    Nectaroscordum about to go pop ...
    Nectaroscordum about to go pop ...
    PXL_20240321_162351277.jpg IMG_20240318_111659~2.jpg PXL_20240319_094617091.PORTRAIT~2.jpg DSC00388.jpeg 127_4456.JPG Anemone nemerosa.JPG
  5. shiney

    Show Off Your Pets 2024

    Floss enjoying a walk in the local bluebell woods
    Floss enjoying a walk in the local bluebell woods
    Floss enjoying a walk in the local bluebell woods
    Floss enjoying a walk in the local bluebell woods
    20190412_212656.jpg The Boys.jpg Boy, Thelma & Loise 2 Jan 24(1).jpg Boy 2 Jan 24.jpg Munchkin 2 Jan 24.jpg 20240117_083414.jpg
  6. wiseowl
    Like x 3

    Whats your weather like May 2024

    That's where we would be in a normal year @Victoria - the last 7 since we moved here anyway.
    That's where we would be in a normal year @Victoria - the last 7 since we moved here anyway.
    That's where we would be in a normal year @Victoria - the last 7 since we moved here anyway.
    That's where we would be in a normal year @Victoria - the last 7 since we moved here anyway.
  7. latimer

    Liriope muscari not looking great

    They're not unhealthy, as Butterfly6 says, it's just old, tired foliage which will give way to new growth once the weather warms up. They're terrific plants for clay soil in shade.
    They're not unhealthy, as Butterfly6 says, it's just old, tired foliage which will give way to new growth once the weather warms up. They're terrific plants for clay soil in shade.
    They're not unhealthy, as Butterfly6 says, it's just old, tired foliage which will give way to new growth once the weather warms up. They're terrific plants for clay soil in shade.
    They're not unhealthy, as Butterfly6 says, it's just old, tired foliage which will give way to new growth once the weather warms up. They're terrific plants for clay soil in shade.
  8. wiseowl

    Whats Looking good May 2024

    Tulip "Mystery Valley". Well weird.
    Tulip "Mystery Valley". Well weird.
    Tulip "Mystery Valley". Well weird.
    Tulip "Mystery Valley". Well weird.
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  9. JWK

    Latest Moan From You and Me 2024

    And then you should have a nice rice dish to go with your curry!!
    And then you should have a nice rice dish to go with your curry!!
    And then you should have a nice rice dish to go with your curry!!
    And then you should have a nice rice dish to go with your curry!!
  10. Kevin Cowans

    How to Control Japanese Anemone

    Thank you for your responses. Why a previous owner of this place put them in, is beyond me. Still, it'll give me a lifetime of employment!!
    Thank you for your responses. Why a previous owner of this place put them in, is beyond me. Still, it'll give me a lifetime of employment!!
    Thank you for your responses. Why a previous owner of this place put them in, is beyond me. Still, it'll give me a lifetime of employment!!
    Thank you for your responses. Why a previous owner of this place put them in, is beyond me. Still, it'll give me a lifetime of employment!!
  11. Vonsworld77

    A gift from the birds!

    The upright varieties are less of a pest than the horizontal ones, which smoother everything in their path. And the birds and the bees are definitely fans. :blue thumb:
    The upright varieties are less of a pest than the horizontal ones, which smoother everything in their path. And the birds and the bees are definitely fans. :blue thumb:
    The upright varieties are less of a pest than the horizontal ones, which smoother everything in their path. And the birds and the bees are definitely fans. :blue thumb:
    The upright varieties are less of a pest than the horizontal ones, which smoother everything in their path. And the birds and the bees are definitely fans. :blue thumb:
  12. Clueless 1 v2
    Like x 3

    Flowering currant

    I have a lot of them in my garden courtesy of the previous owner. I don't love them but they are all well established in the hedge so they have stayed. Personally I find the fragrance a bit like...
    I have a lot of them in my garden courtesy of the previous owner. I don't love them but they are all well established in the hedge so they have stayed. Personally I find the fragrance a bit like cat wee but you have to get close to smell it on mine! They are a reliable flower-er though so I keep...
    I have a lot of them in my garden courtesy of the previous owner. I don't love them but they are all well established in the hedge so they have stayed. Personally I find the fragrance a bit like cat wee but you have to get close to smell it on...
    I have a lot of them in my garden courtesy of the previous owner. I don't love them but they are all well established in the hedge so they have stayed. Personally I find the fragrance a bit like...
  13. ManderW

    Cut Ribes and Forsythia to the ground? When?

    I suppose it won't matter too much if it's too drastic, especially for the Forsythia. It is the product of accidental propagation when I used a stick to support another plant and it took me years...
    I suppose it won't matter too much if it's too drastic, especially for the Forsythia. It is the product of accidental propagation when I used a stick to support another plant and it took me years to get rid of the parent shrub (which was in an awkward spot). I can always take some cuttings as...
    I suppose it won't matter too much if it's too drastic, especially for the Forsythia. It is the product of accidental propagation when I used a stick to support another plant and it took me years to get rid of the parent shrub (which was in an...
    I suppose it won't matter too much if it's too drastic, especially for the Forsythia. It is the product of accidental propagation when I used a stick to support another plant and it took me years...
  14. Nickoslesteros

    Is this a dog rose?

    @Nickoslesteros , yes, it looks like a dog rose to me - I've just got one that's appeared in the neighbours hedge. The flowers are very pretty though, pale pink and good for pollinators I believe...
    @Nickoslesteros , yes, it looks like a dog rose to me - I've just got one that's appeared in the neighbours hedge. The flowers are very pretty though, pale pink and good for pollinators I believe so I'm going to enjoy it for a while, then cut it back on our side.
    @Nickoslesteros , yes, it looks like a dog rose to me - I've just got one that's appeared in the neighbours hedge. The flowers are very pretty though, pale pink and good for pollinators I believe so I'm going to enjoy it for a while, then cut it...
    @Nickoslesteros , yes, it looks like a dog rose to me - I've just got one that's appeared in the neighbours hedge. The flowers are very pretty though, pale pink and good for pollinators I believe...
  15. RowlandsCastle

    Gooseberry bushes being eaten

    We get them later in the year where they always strip the bushes clean. It doesn't seem to do any harm then but I wouldn't want them earlier. I think we don't have a problem with the first flush...
    We get them later in the year where they always strip the bushes clean. It doesn't seem to do any harm then but I wouldn't want them earlier. I think we don't have a problem with the first flush because the fruit cage is open for pollination and the birds do a good job, we reward them later on...
    We get them later in the year where they always strip the bushes clean. It doesn't seem to do any harm then but I wouldn't want them earlier. I think we don't have a problem with the first flush because the fruit cage is open for pollination and...
    We get them later in the year where they always strip the bushes clean. It doesn't seem to do any harm then but I wouldn't want them earlier. I think we don't have a problem with the first flush...
  16. RowlandsCastle

    Peach tree

    That would be lovely to have a peach tree. I've been trying to grow a nectarine for a couple of years, this year is the first year it has borne fruit. My fingers are firmly crossed they'll hang...
    That would be lovely to have a peach tree. I've been trying to grow a nectarine for a couple of years, this year is the first year it has borne fruit. My fingers are firmly crossed they'll hang on. This is what I love about gardening, there's always something to look forward to. Good luck with...
    That would be lovely to have a peach tree. I've been trying to grow a nectarine for a couple of years, this year is the first year it has borne fruit. My fingers are firmly crossed they'll hang on. This is what I love about gardening, there's...
    That would be lovely to have a peach tree. I've been trying to grow a nectarine for a couple of years, this year is the first year it has borne fruit. My fingers are firmly crossed they'll hang...
    IMG_20240504_152442835_HDR.jpg oie_4183946KI8PmLXZ.jpg
  17. JWK

    Things that have made you happy today' 2024

    This afternoon's election result in my city has made me very happy , as did the family trip to the polling station with both my children able to vote for the first time.
    This afternoon's election result in my city has made me very happy , as did the family trip to the polling station with both my children able to vote for the first time.
    This afternoon's election result in my city has made me very happy , as did the family trip to the polling station with both my children able to vote for the first time.
    This afternoon's election result in my city has made me very happy , as did the family trip to the polling station with both my children able to vote for the first time.
  18. wiseowl

    Currently Listening To 2023/24

    Think the buttonhole would be slightly trickier to deal with... What worries me is the future of music when you see so much generated stuff appearing that will swamp the net.
    Think the buttonhole would be slightly trickier to deal with... What worries me is the future of music when you see so much generated stuff appearing that will swamp the net.
    Think the buttonhole would be slightly trickier to deal with... What worries me is the future of music when you see so much generated stuff appearing that will swamp the net.
    Think the buttonhole would be slightly trickier to deal with... What worries me is the future of music when you see so much generated stuff appearing that will swamp the net.
  19. JWK

    Vegetable Growing 2024

    Fertilized the garlic and onions today, the garlic looking a bit yellow from all the rain I think. Four foot since they went in late September for some of them.Final harvest of PSB and ripped...
    Fertilized the garlic and onions today, the garlic looking a bit yellow from all the rain I think. Four foot since they went in late September for some of them.Final harvest of PSB and ripped the plants out. They'll be replaced by Brussels sprouts and lettuce in a couple of weeks when they are...
    Fertilized the garlic and onions today, the garlic looking a bit yellow from all the rain I think. Four foot since they went in late September for some of them.Final harvest of PSB and ripped the plants out. They'll be replaced by Brussels...
    Fertilized the garlic and onions today, the garlic looking a bit yellow from all the rain I think. Four foot since they went in late September for some of them.Final harvest of PSB and ripped...
  20. JWK

    Best supplier of compost 2024

    I got some Aldi Enriched Multipurpose today. Pretty fine, couple of twiggy bits, lot better looking than the levington peat free I'd bought for a similar price. I'd start seeds in it. Just used...
    I got some Aldi Enriched Multipurpose today. Pretty fine, couple of twiggy bits, lot better looking than the levington peat free I'd bought for a similar price. I'd start seeds in it. Just used it to repot the squash modules
    I got some Aldi Enriched Multipurpose today. Pretty fine, couple of twiggy bits, lot better looking than the levington peat free I'd bought for a similar price. I'd start seeds in it. Just used it to repot the squash modules
    I got some Aldi Enriched Multipurpose today. Pretty fine, couple of twiggy bits, lot better looking than the levington peat free I'd bought for a similar price. I'd start seeds in it. Just used...
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