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  1. Fat Controller

    Surrey Police & escaped calf - DISTRESSING!!

    There are at least three within a couple of miles of where that was taking place - and MediVet handle all the on call stuff for this part of Surrey and South West London. Given that about five...
    There are at least three within a couple of miles of where that was taking place - and MediVet handle all the on call stuff for this part of Surrey and South West London. Given that about five miles up the road is Windsor Castle and not far away from that is associated stabling, I don't believe...
    There are at least three within a couple of miles of where that was taking place - and MediVet handle all the on call stuff for this part of Surrey and South West London. Given that about five miles up the road is Windsor Castle and not far away...
    There are at least three within a couple of miles of where that was taking place - and MediVet handle all the on call stuff for this part of Surrey and South West London. Given that about five...
  2. Grays

    Ideas or suggestions what to plant in this shady area.

    If you have any of your foxglove seeds left, just scatter a few in your border and let them germinate naturally, much easier. You won’t get flowers until their second year though. They are a...
    If you have any of your foxglove seeds left, just scatter a few in your border and let them germinate naturally, much easier. You won’t get flowers until their second year though. They are a feature in spring but I find that they don’t hold their flowers for long here and become messy and are...
    If you have any of your foxglove seeds left, just scatter a few in your border and let them germinate naturally, much easier. You won’t get flowers until their second year though. They are a feature in spring but I find that they don’t hold their...
    If you have any of your foxglove seeds left, just scatter a few in your border and let them germinate naturally, much easier. You won’t get flowers until their second year though. They are a...
  3. wiseowl

    Whats your weather like June 2024

    Nice enough to have breakfast outside today.
    Nice enough to have breakfast outside today.
    Nice enough to have breakfast outside today.
    Nice enough to have breakfast outside today.
  4. JWK

    What's buzzing or flying near you 2024 ?

    I managed to grab the camera and get a little pic of a few at the feeder. It's not easy to get a pic outdoors because of the site, but there had been at least a dozen blue tits, adults and...
    I managed to grab the camera and get a little pic of a few at the feeder. It's not easy to get a pic outdoors because of the site, but there had been at least a dozen blue tits, adults and youngsters, all flitting around at the same time. Lovely to see so many doing well Had to fill the...
    I managed to grab the camera and get a little pic of a few at the feeder. It's not easy to get a pic outdoors because of the site, but there had been at least a dozen blue tits, adults and youngsters, all flitting around at the same time. Lovely...
    I managed to grab the camera and get a little pic of a few at the feeder. It's not easy to get a pic outdoors because of the site, but there had been at least a dozen blue tits, adults and...
    Lap 3.JPG Dunlin 1.JPG canada 1.JPG Greylag 4.JPG Guillemots (9).JPG Guillemots (8).JPG
  5. JWK

    Latest Moan From You and Me 2024

    MSNA good article about attempted press manipulation of politician's wives (though, of course, rarely husbands).I didn't even know Mrs Starmer's first name till reading it. And that is as it...
    MSNA good article about attempted press manipulation of politician's wives (though, of course, rarely husbands).I didn't even know Mrs Starmer's first name till reading it. And that is as it should be, IMV. I've never laid eyes on his children ... and quite right too.
    MSNA good article about attempted press manipulation of politician's wives (though, of course, rarely husbands).I didn't even know Mrs Starmer's first name till reading it. And that is as it should be, IMV. I've never laid eyes on his...
    MSNA good article about attempted press manipulation of politician's wives (though, of course, rarely husbands).I didn't even know Mrs Starmer's first name till reading it. And that is as it...
  6. JWK

    Vegetable Growing 2024

    I wonder if you could use the mulberries for savoury dishes? If you think about how we use cranberries for Christmas dinners of turkey/chicken. I hate the shop bought stuff because it's just jam...
    I wonder if you could use the mulberries for savoury dishes? If you think about how we use cranberries for Christmas dinners of turkey/chicken. I hate the shop bought stuff because it's just jam IMO, so I make my own and it's quite tart and spicy, so perhaps the same could be done with mulberries.
    I wonder if you could use the mulberries for savoury dishes? If you think about how we use cranberries for Christmas dinners of turkey/chicken. I hate the shop bought stuff because it's just jam IMO, so I make my own and it's quite tart and...
    I wonder if you could use the mulberries for savoury dishes? If you think about how we use cranberries for Christmas dinners of turkey/chicken. I hate the shop bought stuff because it's just jam...
  7. Nickoslesteros

    Deadheading roses - question

    I cut it just above a bud that is facing in a good direction - or one facing the least worst.
    I cut it just above a bud that is facing in a good direction - or one facing the least worst.
    I cut it just above a bud that is facing in a good direction - or one facing the least worst.
    I cut it just above a bud that is facing in a good direction - or one facing the least worst.
  8. Spruce
    Like x 3

    House Martins, Swallows & Swifts

    It’s not looking like it’s going to be a good year for swallows here. The first chick from the 5 eggs hatched on Thursday but none of the other eggs have hatched, I’m so disappointed. The one...
    It’s not looking like it’s going to be a good year for swallows here. The first chick from the 5 eggs hatched on Thursday but none of the other eggs have hatched, I’m so disappointed. The one and only chick is being fed and is growing but it’s not got a very comfy nest as it has to contend...
    It’s not looking like it’s going to be a good year for swallows here. The first chick from the 5 eggs hatched on Thursday but none of the other eggs have hatched, I’m so disappointed. The one and only chick is being fed and is growing but it’s...
    It’s not looking like it’s going to be a good year for swallows here. The first chick from the 5 eggs hatched on Thursday but none of the other eggs have hatched, I’m so disappointed. The one...
    House Martin 1.JPG swift.JPG swallow 2.JPG IMG_3868.jpeg IMG_3871.png IMG_3907.png
  9. wiseowl

    A Joke Or Two 2023/24

    @Logan You don't drive, do you?
    @Logan You don't drive, do you?
    @Logan You don't drive, do you?
    @Logan You don't drive, do you?
  10. Dave470

    Ant nests in a greenhouse raised beds

    This is a duplicate thread, and many have posted responses on the other one @Dave470 It's only a problem when they nest and disturb the root systems to the extent that the plant can't access...
    This is a duplicate thread, and many have posted responses on the other one @Dave470 It's only a problem when they nest and disturb the root systems to the extent that the plant can't access moisture and nutrients. That's usually when the conditions are dry as that suits them best. Making sure...
    This is a duplicate thread, and many have posted responses on the other one @Dave470 It's only a problem when they nest and disturb the root systems to the extent that the plant can't access moisture and nutrients. That's usually when the...
    This is a duplicate thread, and many have posted responses on the other one @Dave470 It's only a problem when they nest and disturb the root systems to the extent that the plant can't access...
  11. Rinchen

    Please suggest ideas to transform plot!

    Hi @Rinchen - I'd not bother too much about those roots either. If you have an ordinary saw of any kind, you might be able to saw them off nearer ground level though. If you can clear the...
    Hi @Rinchen - I'd not bother too much about those roots either. If you have an ordinary saw of any kind, you might be able to saw them off nearer ground level though. If you can clear the grass[?] dead stems, showing in the other pix with shears or similar, you can then cover the area in a...
    Hi @Rinchen - I'd not bother too much about those roots either. If you have an ordinary saw of any kind, you might be able to saw them off nearer ground level though. If you can clear the grass[?] dead stems, showing in the other pix with shears...
    Hi @Rinchen - I'd not bother too much about those roots either. If you have an ordinary saw of any kind, you might be able to saw them off nearer ground level though. If you can clear the...
  12. Neil1961

    Tomato questions

    One of my tomato plant's leaves look very withered and crinkly. I read somewhere that this could be caused by overwatering but I treat it the same as all the others, which have no problem. Is this...
    One of my tomato plant's leaves look very withered and crinkly. I read somewhere that this could be caused by overwatering but I treat it the same as all the others, which have no problem. Is this something to worry about and if so, what's the remedy?Another plant has only grown to half the...
    One of my tomato plant's leaves look very withered and crinkly. I read somewhere that this could be caused by overwatering but I treat it the same as all the others, which have no problem. Is this something to worry about and if so, what's the...
    One of my tomato plant's leaves look very withered and crinkly. I read somewhere that this could be caused by overwatering but I treat it the same as all the others, which have no problem. Is this...
    20240616_075746.jpg 20240616_075825.jpg
  13. wiseowl

    Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2024

    Good morning all :coffee1: Sounds good @RowlandsCastle … I really enjoyed my stints in a village museum when I lived in Suffolk. We’re off to MIL’s just for the day today …. I’d better finish this coffee...
    Good morning all :coffee1: Sounds good @RowlandsCastle … I really enjoyed my stints in a village museum when I lived in Suffolk. We’re off to MIL’s just for the day today …. I’d better finish this coffee and get up … have a good day everyone…
    Good morning all :coffee1: Sounds good @RowlandsCastle … I really enjoyed my stints in a village museum when I lived in Suffolk. We’re off to MIL’s just for the day today …. I’d better finish this coffee and get up … have a good day everyone…
    Good morning all :coffee1: Sounds good @RowlandsCastle … I really enjoyed my stints in a village museum when I lived in Suffolk. We’re off to MIL’s just for the day today …. I’d better finish this coffee...
  14. katecat58

    Drilling into a brick wall

    Yes, but it has to be worth spending the money on the initial outlay for an SDS. If you aren't likely to use it enough to justify the initial cost, it's pointless. Always a balance
    Yes, but it has to be worth spending the money on the initial outlay for an SDS. If you aren't likely to use it enough to justify the initial cost, it's pointless. Always a balance
    Yes, but it has to be worth spending the money on the initial outlay for an SDS. If you aren't likely to use it enough to justify the initial cost, it's pointless. Always a balance
    Yes, but it has to be worth spending the money on the initial outlay for an SDS. If you aren't likely to use it enough to justify the initial cost, it's pointless. Always a balance
  15. Loofah

    Farmer gracy

    Don't worry george don't despair As well as keeping FG going I'm keeping many small companies in the UK going too. from seed companies to the plants people down the road who sell their...
    Don't worry george don't despair As well as keeping FG going I'm keeping many small companies in the UK going too. from seed companies to the plants people down the road who sell their extra plants for pin money . And many more. InbetweenErs, you never know we maybe helping these young...
    Don't worry george don't despair As well as keeping FG going I'm keeping many small companies in the UK going too. from seed companies to the plants people down the road who sell their extra plants for pin money . And many more....
    Don't worry george don't despair As well as keeping FG going I'm keeping many small companies in the UK going too. from seed companies to the plants people down the road who sell their...
  16. Fof

    Anagallis arvensis f azurea wanted

    A tight biosecurity regime which can lead to stupid blunders, see Australian biosecurity officials destroy 'irreplaceable' plant samples from 19th century France.
    A tight biosecurity regime which can lead to stupid blunders, see Australian biosecurity officials destroy 'irreplaceable' plant samples from 19th century France.
    A tight biosecurity regime which can lead to stupid blunders, see Australian biosecurity officials destroy 'irreplaceable' plant samples from 19th century France.
    A tight biosecurity regime which can lead to stupid blunders, see Australian biosecurity officials destroy 'irreplaceable' plant samples from 19th century France.
  17. Jimmy2024

    Help required with reoccurring weeds or strange growth

    Unless you bruise the stems it is unlikely anything will work, they have an outside layer of silica, which makes them pretty impervious.
    Unless you bruise the stems it is unlikely anything will work, they have an outside layer of silica, which makes them pretty impervious.
    Unless you bruise the stems it is unlikely anything will work, they have an outside layer of silica, which makes them pretty impervious.
    Unless you bruise the stems it is unlikely anything will work, they have an outside layer of silica, which makes them pretty impervious.
  18. NigelJ
    Like x 20

    What's Looking Good In June 2024

    Don't know that. And is it male or female?
    Don't know that. And is it male or female?
    Don't know that. And is it male or female?
    Don't know that. And is it male or female?
  19. wiseowl

    Members Roses 2024

    Drrr, forgot to post the pics!
    Drrr, forgot to post the pics!
    Drrr, forgot to post the pics!
    Drrr, forgot to post the pics!
    Screenshot 2024-01-01 090700.png IMG_0666.JPG IMG_0667.JPG IMG_0668.JPG 20240219_161736.jpg 20240219_161948.jpg
  20. Marley Farley


    Dactylorhiza in the woods where I volunteer. They were underwater for months over winter so I'm amazed they've flowered.
    Dactylorhiza in the woods where I volunteer. They were underwater for months over winter so I'm amazed they've flowered.
    Dactylorhiza in the woods where I volunteer. They were underwater for months over winter so I'm amazed they've flowered.
    Dactylorhiza in the woods where I volunteer. They were underwater for months over winter so I'm amazed they've flowered.
    celandine feb 2019.jpg coltsfoot feb 2019.jpg IMG_20190227_130706242.jpg IMG_20190227_130701282.jpg IMG_6618.JPG PURPLE 1.jpg
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