Ideas for a not so green fingered person?

Discussion in 'Alpine Gardening' started by Gn0me, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. Gn0me

    Gn0me Gardener

    May 10, 2015
    Elm Park
    This is the second thread out of three that I've just posted to try to do something with our garden.

    Judging by the photo, what would you suggest for a beginner to put in the space that you see to bring a bit of colour especially in the summer but all year round would be nice too, so maybe one takes over when the other finishes as the seasons go by?


    Ideally, something that is already grown or will bloom this summer so that my wife will be surprised this year. If you think having them in pots would be better then I'm all ears.
    I've tried reading about the possibilities and varieties but get so overwhelmed and frustrated that I keep giving up. I suppose I shouldn't have anything that needs constant attention or difficult to maintain.

    If it helps, behind the wall is east and the Ivy that you see is fake, need to straighten and clean it!

    I know I need to find out what type of soil I have and how to feed it.

    Thanks very much and hope you can help.
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    • Bradders

      Bradders Apprentice Gardener

      Mar 15, 2021
      Classic Car Restoration
      Northern UK
      Nice space you've got there. And plenty to work with, which is really positive.

      Firstly, can I say that I actually like the fake ivy. I think it looks cool.

      There are loads of plants that will bloom this summer - so you have plenty to choose from.

      I remember when I first started gardening 5 years ago, I got so overwhelmed. But do not fear. You'll learn as you go. Just make sure you pick up a few books here and there, too. You'll pick up more knowledge over time.

      In the meantime, think of your garden as a work of art. The visitor wants to see ALL the artwork. So, you'll want the taller plants at the back, and some shorter plants at the front. This will also give the impression of more colour and depth to your flower bed - as you'll have more than one variety of flowers in there.

      Most garden centres sell plants that are young (small, but established) and this is what you'll want to pick up.

      Seeds are hit and miss, and may or may not germinate and grow for you in time for summer. So you're best bet is to get plants that are already half grown!

      A trip to the garden centre and you could pick up some delphiniums (quite tall) for the back (closest to the ivy). Plant them in a neat row at the back. You might want 20 or so to fill that whole patch.

      Then towards the front, you could go for a mix of colourful small flowers - such as marigolds, violas, dianthus, coleus, sweetpeas, etc.

      This is a simple but very effective colourful display.

      It will certainly work as a first summer as a "proper gardener" and will be enough to make the wife smile.

      You can start adding more exotic stuff as you get more experienced.

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