Ask Naylor's Ark (or Mandy)

Discussion in 'Gardeners Corner Question Time' started by Naylors Ark, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Naylors Ark

    Naylors Ark Struggling to tame her French acres.

    Oct 15, 2009
    Indre, France
    So this place is haunted is it? [​IMG]

    1. How did you come to join Gardeners Corner?

    Googled gardening forum and this one seemed the best. :)

    2. Name the countries or counties you have lived in â?¦

    Born on the outskirts of Brighton,Sussex. Married and lived in Poole, then outskirts of Blandford Forum, Dorset. Moved to the centre of France in 2004.

    3. Describe the type of work you do.
    3. Several short lived jobs followed by Dressmaking. Am now a 'kept woman'. :dbgrtmb:

    4. Describe how you first got into gardening â?¦
    My mother's a keen gardener so was always surrounded by them. I got my first garden when I married at 17.

    5. What would be your dream type of garden and do you think you will ever be able to achieve it?
    My dream garden would have animals,a lake,a water fall and streams. lots of trees and romantic flowers. Lots of places to sit and dream. All of it is possible where I am, just need lots of time, energy and money. I don't know if I will get there but it's fun trying.

    6. Have you any particular favourites in celebrity gardeners, flowers, shrubs and/or vegetables?
    I don't have a favourite gardener, I like some of everyone's ideas. I'm very eclectic.

    7. Have you ever entered any of your plants into shows?

    No, I'm not into that sort of thing.

    8. If you had a garden created in your memory, what plants do you think would most adequately sum up you and your life?

    Something calm and elegant with some showy flowers thrown in. :) :phew:
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