Getting Ready for Spring!!

Blog entry posted by stephenprudence, Jan 31, 2013.

So today we went to a garden centre.. I actually had a few things in my mind that I wanted to get, one was a Cistus, but unfortunately they don't sell them in GC's yet.. they do sell them in Morrisons supermarket though!

I noticed on the backwall that they had Escallonia and Convulvulus plants, so I thought that's a good idea for the coastal garden so I got these. I also got a Santolina for the same setting, a coastal garden which will attract wildlife.. with wholely, or mostly Mediterranean or Mediterranean type plants.

I also picked up a fair few packets of seeds. Some Eccremocarpus scaber seeds to replace the one that was dug out and died last year.. and also some other stuff including Mirabilis seeds, they will go nicely with the Salpiglossis seeds I got last year... just need to put these in the propagator in a few weeks.

All in all, it's looking good for the garden though, as long as we dont get any nasty surprises in February.
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About the Author

Stephen, the optimistic coastal gardener.
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