Tropical Gardening

All Discussion for Tropical Species Can Be Found Here

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  1. Kristen

    What's Looking Exotic In September 2013

    New thread available for What's Looking Exotic in October 2013 - in case you want to mark it as "watched"
    New thread available for What's Looking Exotic in October 2013 - in case you want to mark it as "watched"
    New thread available for What's Looking Exotic in October 2013 - in case you want to mark it as "watched"
    New thread available for What's Looking Exotic in October 2013 - in case you want to mark it as "watched"
  2. sal73
    Like x 4

    Tropical Nursery Bargains in Bedford

    Added :-
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  3. john mackay
    Like x 6

    First thread ,few pics hopefully

    Thanks upsydasy . The next door neighbours have a young son . He'll be 3 soon . Did it for him .
    Thanks upsydasy . The next door neighbours have a young son . He'll be 3 soon . Did it for him .
    Thanks upsydasy . The next door neighbours have a young son . He'll be 3 soon . Did it for him .
    Thanks upsydasy . The next door neighbours have a young son . He'll be 3 soon . Did it for him .
  4. joolz68

    Tropical theme ideas plz gang

    Thanks salamander,its in the greenhouse now as im not sure on its hardiness or age so il keep it safe for now til i find some info on it:) bought it from The lost world nursery thou they didnt have...
    Thanks salamander,its in the greenhouse now as im not sure on its hardiness or age so il keep it safe for now til i find some info on it:) bought it from The lost world nursery thou they didnt have a lot of stock online last time i looked.
    Thanks salamander,its in the greenhouse now as im not sure on its hardiness or age so il keep it safe for now til i find some info on it:) bought it from The lost world nursery thou they didnt have a lot of stock online last time i looked.
    Thanks salamander,its in the greenhouse now as im not sure on its hardiness or age so il keep it safe for now til i find some info on it:) bought it from The lost world nursery thou they didnt have...
  5. Wayne
    Like x 4

    A few pictures of last year's Brugmansia's

    ?? Never was fluent in Gibberish :snork:
    ?? Never was fluent in Gibberish :snork:
    ?? Never was fluent in Gibberish :snork:
    ?? Never was fluent in Gibberish :snork:
  6. Bilbo675

    Musa Ornata 'Aurea' x sikkimensis banana

    Looks like a good idea to me @mowgley . Those stems dont look nearly strong enough, to me, to survive the winter even if wrapped.As its not that big, better to be safe than sorry.
    Looks like a good idea to me @mowgley . Those stems dont look nearly strong enough, to me, to survive the winter even if wrapped.As its not that big, better to be safe than sorry.
    Looks like a good idea to me @mowgley . Those stems dont look nearly strong enough, to me, to survive the winter even if wrapped.As its not that big, better to be safe than sorry.
    Looks like a good idea to me @mowgley . Those stems dont look nearly strong enough, to me, to survive the winter even if wrapped.As its not that big, better to be safe than sorry.
  7. Coolsox

    New Bird Of Paradise....

    This from a thread on HTUK:"I can tell you they don't like temperatures between 10-15c or being kept on the dry side. Given quite a few away and I'm left with one and thats looking ropey! Seems...
    This from a thread on HTUK:"I can tell you they don't like temperatures between 10-15c or being kept on the dry side. Given quite a few away and I'm left with one and thats looking ropey! Seems to me they have to have a minimum winter temp of 19c, be kept moist and as much light as...
    This from a thread on HTUK:"I can tell you they don't like temperatures between 10-15c or being kept on the dry side. Given quite a few away and I'm left with one and thats looking ropey! Seems to me they have to have a minimum winter temp of...
    This from a thread on HTUK:"I can tell you they don't like temperatures between 10-15c or being kept on the dry side. Given quite a few away and I'm left with one and thats looking ropey! Seems...
  8. Banana Man

    Bananaman's Feb Hideout

    Lovely pics BM! I love the iris but unfortunately we never have much luck with them, they bloom one year and then that is the end of them. Have the same bad luck with several other flowering...
    Lovely pics BM! I love the iris but unfortunately we never have much luck with them, they bloom one year and then that is the end of them. Have the same bad luck with several other flowering plants. Soil not right, bugs, not enough care, I don't know, so I give up after a couple of years.
    Lovely pics BM! I love the iris but unfortunately we never have much luck with them, they bloom one year and then that is the end of them. Have the same bad luck with several other flowering plants. Soil not right, bugs, not enough care, I...
    Lovely pics BM! I love the iris but unfortunately we never have much luck with them, they bloom one year and then that is the end of them. Have the same bad luck with several other flowering...
  9. John Harruison

    Gloriosa superba

    To me the top and bottom parts look like babies. The stump in the middle looks like this years spent tuber. So I would be hoping for two vines next year with three or four tubers for 2016 by the...
    To me the top and bottom parts look like babies. The stump in the middle looks like this years spent tuber. So I would be hoping for two vines next year with three or four tubers for 2016 by the end of the season.
    To me the top and bottom parts look like babies. The stump in the middle looks like this years spent tuber. So I would be hoping for two vines next year with three or four tubers for 2016 by the end of the season.
    To me the top and bottom parts look like babies. The stump in the middle looks like this years spent tuber. So I would be hoping for two vines next year with three or four tubers for 2016 by the...
  10. catztail

    brugmansia question

    I think it gets pretty cold in winter where it comes from, but at the same time, its probably dryer and spring comes a bit earlier, with a guaranteed summer.
    I think it gets pretty cold in winter where it comes from, but at the same time, its probably dryer and spring comes a bit earlier, with a guaranteed summer.
    I think it gets pretty cold in winter where it comes from, but at the same time, its probably dryer and spring comes a bit earlier, with a guaranteed summer.
    I think it gets pretty cold in winter where it comes from, but at the same time, its probably dryer and spring comes a bit earlier, with a guaranteed summer.
  11. sal73

    Ricinus seeds

    Joolz , wait.... to my expirience they tend to have roots rotting very easy in cold and wet .
    Joolz , wait.... to my expirience they tend to have roots rotting very easy in cold and wet .
    Joolz , wait.... to my expirience they tend to have roots rotting very easy in cold and wet .
    Joolz , wait.... to my expirience they tend to have roots rotting very easy in cold and wet .

    Yes,we have no banana's

    Just thought some people would like to know that of the 3 varieties of Banana seeds I planted on 6 January this year I have one that has germinated. It's a Musa Mannii, so hopefully, there may be...
    Just thought some people would like to know that of the 3 varieties of Banana seeds I planted on 6 January this year I have one that has germinated. It's a Musa Mannii, so hopefully, there may be more. To be honest, I didn't have really high hopes of any of the seeds germinating especially...
    Just thought some people would like to know that of the 3 varieties of Banana seeds I planted on 6 January this year I have one that has germinated. It's a Musa Mannii, so hopefully, there may be more. To be honest, I didn't have really high...
    Just thought some people would like to know that of the 3 varieties of Banana seeds I planted on 6 January this year I have one that has germinated. It's a Musa Mannii, so hopefully, there may be...
  13. longk
    Like x 3

    Strelitzia juncea

    Pete - I have never had a flowering Strelitzia. Where exactly do the flower shoots come from. Is it from every leaf axil? and do you just get one flower per axil? Do you also get flowers from the...
    Pete - I have never had a flowering Strelitzia. Where exactly do the flower shoots come from. Is it from every leaf axil? and do you just get one flower per axil? Do you also get flowers from the outside axils which are younger, or just the central ones?
    Pete - I have never had a flowering Strelitzia. Where exactly do the flower shoots come from. Is it from every leaf axil? and do you just get one flower per axil? Do you also get flowers from the outside axils which are younger, or just the...
    Pete - I have never had a flowering Strelitzia. Where exactly do the flower shoots come from. Is it from every leaf axil? and do you just get one flower per axil? Do you also get flowers from the...
  14. JWK
    Like x 17

    JWK's Tropical border

    Thanks again Kristen. I don't have time to build one so it's going on my birthday/fathers day list :)
    Thanks again Kristen. I don't have time to build one so it's going on my birthday/fathers day list :)
    Thanks again Kristen. I don't have time to build one so it's going on my birthday/fathers day list :)
    Thanks again Kristen. I don't have time to build one so it's going on my birthday/fathers day list :)
  15. PeterS

    Is this wise ?

    Recent research has shown that cannabis smoking has a greater deleterious effect if done when a teenager than when older. It isn't to do with length of time it's been used but the fact that it...
    Recent research has shown that cannabis smoking has a greater deleterious effect if done when a teenager than when older. It isn't to do with length of time it's been used but the fact that it affects the maturing of the brain. It causes more permanent disorientation.
    Recent research has shown that cannabis smoking has a greater deleterious effect if done when a teenager than when older. It isn't to do with length of time it's been used but the fact that it affects the maturing of the brain. It causes more...
    Recent research has shown that cannabis smoking has a greater deleterious effect if done when a teenager than when older. It isn't to do with length of time it's been used but the fact that it...
  16. pete
    Like x 4

    Strelitzia and friends.

    Thats my problem Pete, I am what i call a "fluffy" gardener.I have nearly everything in pots and a very small area for growing directly into the soil. I am never armed with a spade :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Thats my problem Pete, I am what i call a "fluffy" gardener.I have nearly everything in pots and a very small area for growing directly into the soil. I am never armed with a spade :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Thats my problem Pete, I am what i call a "fluffy" gardener.I have nearly everything in pots and a very small area for growing directly into the soil. I am never armed with a spade :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Thats my problem Pete, I am what i call a "fluffy" gardener.I have nearly everything in pots and a very small area for growing directly into the soil. I am never armed with a spade :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
  17. Banana Man

    Banana Man's July08 Hideout.....

    I thought I didn't succeed. Please let meknow
    I thought I didn't succeed. Please let meknow
    I thought I didn't succeed. Please let meknow
    I thought I didn't succeed. Please let meknow
  18. HarryS

    Canna Selection Advice

    I know it's a bit late about starting seed but I start mine with boiling water I put them in a cup and pour over fresh boiled water till you hear a popping then pour out the water and put in cold...
    I know it's a bit late about starting seed but I start mine with boiling water I put them in a cup and pour over fresh boiled water till you hear a popping then pour out the water and put in cold water and get great germination rates
    I know it's a bit late about starting seed but I start mine with boiling water I put them in a cup and pour over fresh boiled water till you hear a popping then pour out the water and put in cold water and get great germination rates
    I know it's a bit late about starting seed but I start mine with boiling water I put them in a cup and pour over fresh boiled water till you hear a popping then pour out the water and put in cold...
  19. PeterS

    Brugmansia cuttings

    That's really kind of you Pete:dbgrtmb:...
    That's really kind of you Pete:dbgrtmb:...
    That's really kind of you Pete:dbgrtmb:...
    That's really kind of you Pete:dbgrtmb:...
  20. Kristen
    Like x 5

    Plants with Large Leaves 2014

    Naw! It's a large leaf with a bird standing on it - specifically to illustrate the size of the leaf.As soon as I'd taken the picture I told him he could fly away :heehee:
    Naw! It's a large leaf with a bird standing on it - specifically to illustrate the size of the leaf.As soon as I'd taken the picture I told him he could fly away :heehee:
    Naw! It's a large leaf with a bird standing on it - specifically to illustrate the size of the leaf.As soon as I'd taken the picture I told him he could fly away :heehee:
    Naw! It's a large leaf with a bird standing on it - specifically to illustrate the size of the leaf.As soon as I'd taken the picture I told him he could fly away :heehee:
    DSC_0176.JPG DSC_0171.JPG DSC_0177.JPG DSC_0172.JPG DSC_0180.JPG 132_3205.JPG

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