Tropical Gardening

All Discussion for Tropical Species Can Be Found Here

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  1. Banana Man

    Banana Man's April Hideout....

    Banana man do skunk cabbage spread?I'm thinking of planting it the other side of the stream.All the best mate...daz
    Banana man do skunk cabbage spread?I'm thinking of planting it the other side of the stream.All the best mate...daz
    Banana man do skunk cabbage spread?I'm thinking of planting it the other side of the stream.All the best mate...daz
    Banana man do skunk cabbage spread?I'm thinking of planting it the other side of the stream.All the best mate...daz
  2. aways987

    Building a tropical garden in Essex

    Looking good aways! :dbgrtmb:
    Looking good aways! :dbgrtmb:
    Looking good aways! :dbgrtmb:
    Looking good aways! :dbgrtmb:
  3. gardenlearner

    hardy tropical plants

    Stink aside, they are wonderful plants! The leaves do need some support though.There are several different varieties or you could try arisaemas which also look quite weird! This year I am trying...
    Stink aside, they are wonderful plants! The leaves do need some support though.There are several different varieties or you could try arisaemas which also look quite weird! This year I am trying colocasia esculenta or elephant ears plant. They do love heat and moisture so I am going to plant...
    Stink aside, they are wonderful plants! The leaves do need some support though.There are several different varieties or you could try arisaemas which also look quite weird! This year I am trying colocasia esculenta or elephant ears plant. They...
    Stink aside, they are wonderful plants! The leaves do need some support though.There are several different varieties or you could try arisaemas which also look quite weird! This year I am trying...
  4. Webmaster

    Ginkgo Biloba

    Oh Steve what a lovely site thank you I can never find things like this...but I am only a learner still havn't managed the photo thing yet but when my 30 geranium planlets are all in blossom...
    Oh Steve what a lovely site thank you I can never find things like this...but I am only a learner still havn't managed the photo thing yet but when my 30 geranium planlets are all in blossom �£3.50 from B/Q I will have another go.
    Oh Steve what a lovely site thank you I can never find things like this...but I am only a learner still havn't managed the photo thing yet but when my 30 geranium planlets are all in blossom �£3.50 from B/Q I will have another go.
    Oh Steve what a lovely site thank you I can never find things like this...but I am only a learner still havn't managed the photo thing yet but when my 30 geranium planlets are all in blossom...
  5. longk
    Like x 6

    What's looking exotic in August 2013

    At the start of the year I planted out four Musa Sikkimensis I grew from seed over the winter - Ive just left them to get on with it & they have done really well: -- I was hoping that Musella...
    At the start of the year I planted out four Musa Sikkimensis I grew from seed over the winter - Ive just left them to get on with it & they have done really well: -- I was hoping that Musella Lasiocarpa was going to flower this year, but its not quite gotten too it. It has produced a couple of...
    At the start of the year I planted out four Musa Sikkimensis I grew from seed over the winter - Ive just left them to get on with it & they have done really well: -- I was hoping that Musella Lasiocarpa was going to flower this year, but its...
    At the start of the year I planted out four Musa Sikkimensis I grew from seed over the winter - Ive just left them to get on with it & they have done really well: -- I was hoping that Musella...
  6. JWK

    Tip broken off Cordyline - is it a gonner?

    Hahaha ... NOW I see the canes :) I think I was distracted by the bench before ... :)
    Hahaha ... NOW I see the canes :) I think I was distracted by the bench before ... :)
    Hahaha ... NOW I see the canes :) I think I was distracted by the bench before ... :)
    Hahaha ... NOW I see the canes :) I think I was distracted by the bench before ... :)
  7. Bob


    I don`t think its that one simply because its not very well along yet so must flower later, It is still in the same pot as last year and came through the winter o.k. :thmb:So if I do make...
    I don`t think its that one simply because its not very well along yet so must flower later, It is still in the same pot as last year and came through the winter o.k. :thmb:So if I do make some sort of bog garden area, I think I would try and bury them in pots so I can lift them in the...
    I don`t think its that one simply because its not very well along yet so must flower later, It is still in the same pot as last year and came through the winter o.k. :thmb:So if I do make some sort of bog garden area, I think I would try and...
    I don`t think its that one simply because its not very well along yet so must flower later, It is still in the same pot as last year and came through the winter o.k. :thmb:So if I do make...
  8. Waco

    Banana seeds

    8 weeks 2 daysHang in there!
    8 weeks 2 daysHang in there!
    8 weeks 2 daysHang in there!
    8 weeks 2 daysHang in there!
  9. Banana Man

    October Bananaman's Hide-Out

    :)Bananas by Christmas then BM.
    :)Bananas by Christmas then BM.
    :)Bananas by Christmas then BM.
    :)Bananas by Christmas then BM.
  10. Victoria
    Like x 5


    And the scent is lovely. When I repotted it last, I accidentally broke off some roots and so stuck them in compost. They sprouted and grew, but I couldn't give them enough heat over winter.
    And the scent is lovely. When I repotted it last, I accidentally broke off some roots and so stuck them in compost. They sprouted and grew, but I couldn't give them enough heat over winter.
    And the scent is lovely. When I repotted it last, I accidentally broke off some roots and so stuck them in compost. They sprouted and grew, but I couldn't give them enough heat over winter.
    And the scent is lovely. When I repotted it last, I accidentally broke off some roots and so stuck them in compost. They sprouted and grew, but I couldn't give them enough heat over winter.
  11. Fof

    Orchid advice. please

    @ricky101 Yes they do give a good display. Some are from the same stem while others send up new stems and flower from those. We have one pure white one, variety unknown as we bought it from a...
    @ricky101 Yes they do give a good display. Some are from the same stem while others send up new stems and flower from those. We have one pure white one, variety unknown as we bought it from a florist who just wanted the flower spikes for s wedding. This has been in flower now for over 4 years...
    @ricky101 Yes they do give a good display. Some are from the same stem while others send up new stems and flower from those. We have one pure white one, variety unknown as we bought it from a florist who just wanted the flower spikes for s...
    @ricky101 Yes they do give a good display. Some are from the same stem while others send up new stems and flower from those. We have one pure white one, variety unknown as we bought it from a...
  12. HarryS

    Hardy Palm Suggestion?

    Don't go for a massive one to start with, at £30 per foot you'll need at least a 3 footer for a decent show - a lot of money in my book.
    Don't go for a massive one to start with, at £30 per foot you'll need at least a 3 footer for a decent show - a lot of money in my book.
    Don't go for a massive one to start with, at £30 per foot you'll need at least a 3 footer for a decent show - a lot of money in my book.
    Don't go for a massive one to start with, at £30 per foot you'll need at least a 3 footer for a decent show - a lot of money in my book.
  13. kazzie_SE

    Lemon and banana possible problems

    Yeah, I've used washing up liquid in the past on aphids, you need to make sure you squirt every last one. Plus as I say, I dont like wetting plants this time of the year.:)
    Yeah, I've used washing up liquid in the past on aphids, you need to make sure you squirt every last one. Plus as I say, I dont like wetting plants this time of the year.:)
    Yeah, I've used washing up liquid in the past on aphids, you need to make sure you squirt every last one. Plus as I say, I dont like wetting plants this time of the year.:)
    Yeah, I've used washing up liquid in the past on aphids, you need to make sure you squirt every last one. Plus as I say, I dont like wetting plants this time of the year.:)
  14. longk

    Brugmansia sanguinea

    Hi Victoria Wayne lured me from the 'Darkside' LOL Its nice to be here, Thanks for the Welcome.AlanHurstwood Brugmansia
    Hi Victoria Wayne lured me from the 'Darkside' LOL Its nice to be here, Thanks for the Welcome.AlanHurstwood Brugmansia
    Hi Victoria Wayne lured me from the 'Darkside' LOL Its nice to be here, Thanks for the Welcome.AlanHurstwood Brugmansia
    Hi Victoria Wayne lured me from the 'Darkside' LOL Its nice to be here, Thanks for the Welcome.AlanHurstwood Brugmansia
  15. Banana Man

    Banana Update

    Rosa I mean't to say to you don't put the banana on or over any wooden furniture as the leaves perspire at night and will leave small pools of water on your best furniture
    Rosa I mean't to say to you don't put the banana on or over any wooden furniture as the leaves perspire at night and will leave small pools of water on your best furniture
    Rosa I mean't to say to you don't put the banana on or over any wooden furniture as the leaves perspire at night and will leave small pools of water on your best furniture
    Rosa I mean't to say to you don't put the banana on or over any wooden furniture as the leaves perspire at night and will leave small pools of water on your best furniture
  16. PeterS

    Giant banana - Ensete montbeliardii

    Yup. Any banana growing in an exposed site looks manky.
    Yup. Any banana growing in an exposed site looks manky.
    Yup. Any banana growing in an exposed site looks manky.
    Yup. Any banana growing in an exposed site looks manky.
    Like x 5


    I've not looked specifically at Tree Ferns but all the bigger tender plants that I like have certainly shot up in price over the last couple of years.
    I've not looked specifically at Tree Ferns but all the bigger tender plants that I like have certainly shot up in price over the last couple of years.
    I've not looked specifically at Tree Ferns but all the bigger tender plants that I like have certainly shot up in price over the last couple of years.
    I've not looked specifically at Tree Ferns but all the bigger tender plants that I like have certainly shot up in price over the last couple of years.
  18. JWK

    Cannas 2022

    I'll be digging up the ones in the ground and potting up to over winter. There's one that's just bloomed that I have no idea what it is!
    I'll be digging up the ones in the ground and potting up to over winter. There's one that's just bloomed that I have no idea what it is!
    I'll be digging up the ones in the ground and potting up to over winter. There's one that's just bloomed that I have no idea what it is!
    I'll be digging up the ones in the ground and potting up to over winter. There's one that's just bloomed that I have no idea what it is!
  19. thered

    Tree fern help is it dead?

    Steel rots, so not too sure as to the implications of that on a Tree Fern, but it can be bad for the human body (especially the blood stream).Quite possible that they have taken their toll...
    Steel rots, so not too sure as to the implications of that on a Tree Fern, but it can be bad for the human body (especially the blood stream).Quite possible that they have taken their toll on it to the extent that the struggle to survive was just too much this year.
    Steel rots, so not too sure as to the implications of that on a Tree Fern, but it can be bad for the human body (especially the blood stream).Quite possible that they have taken their toll on it to the extent that the struggle to survive...
    Steel rots, so not too sure as to the implications of that on a Tree Fern, but it can be bad for the human body (especially the blood stream).Quite possible that they have taken their toll...
  20. longk
    Like x 3

    Datura wrightii

    Hiya Keith(?). TBH, I hadn't expected them to be in a hurry to germinate, my previous post was meant as an update. Anyway, I'll do as you suggest and move them if nothing happens in a week. ...
    Hiya Keith(?). TBH, I hadn't expected them to be in a hurry to germinate, my previous post was meant as an update. Anyway, I'll do as you suggest and move them if nothing happens in a week. Cheers...Freddy.
    Hiya Keith(?). TBH, I hadn't expected them to be in a hurry to germinate, my previous post was meant as an update. Anyway, I'll do as you suggest and move them if nothing happens in a week. Cheers...Freddy.
    Hiya Keith(?). TBH, I hadn't expected them to be in a hurry to germinate, my previous post was meant as an update. Anyway, I'll do as you suggest and move them if nothing happens in a week. ...

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