What are you reading? 2019

Discussion in 'Members Hobbies' started by Dips, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    Two isn't my maximum at any one time and I do know that our @shiney often has half a dozen on the go at any one time!
    As for the two I mentioned, I think I stated that the lighter read (Small Great Things) is my bedtime reading; Homus Deus is a deeper, thinking, read and one I can indulge in when I get to work too early and grab a coffee and read a few pages/a chapter before heading into the daily grind.
    I'm also one of those people who enjoys "reading" cookery books (yes, for pleasure - if that is the right word?).
    I also enjoy reading and analysing research papers/academic tomes. But those are a much slower pace than a novel!!

    Ok, so ...
    ... I completed the initial read (aka skim reading) and I didn't predict the ending! For me, that translates into a *good* book.
    Now, I am re-reading it and giving it a little bit more attention.
    From skim reading these are my thoughts:
    I found it thought provoking because it is about "racism" - in an American setting. There is a male white supremacist viewpoint running parallel to, and in conjunction with, a black female narrative which, ultimately, takes the reader to a courtroom "battle". "Battle" is a strong word, but in the book it is a battle theme which is expressed both as a blatant and more subtle thing. I already understood blatant racism (who doesn't in this day and age); I hadn't really given much thought to "subtle" ways in which racism exists in our Western cultures. The book introduced me to a few of those. It also addresses the statement: "I don't see colour"; only to show that in ways we may not consider ... we *do* see colour; whether through over compensating or otherwise. As I said: thought provoking. Enough so I'm re-reading it.
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Gail_68

      Gail_68 Guest

      @"M" i know you said the ones a light read but it must be each individual as i counldn't swap from one to the other...my soul concentration as to be one book :dunno:....must be how my marbles are fixed mate :whistle:
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Only five at the moment. :noidea:
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        • Gail_68

          Gail_68 Guest

          @shiney i hope you know your pages mate :roflol:
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            No problem. :blue thumb: I even know where on the page I've reached. :)
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            • Gail_68

              Gail_68 Guest

              @shiney i would have to have all mine tagged...can't do multiple task reading :scratch: :help: :snorky:
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              • Gail_68

                Gail_68 Guest

                Well i've done addition one and 3 in this volume..great reads so fare :thumbsup:...so i purchased 2 last night :snorky: which i'll enjoy starting today :)

                Our hero is battling unseen demons not just memories of his past as a front line soldier but of his experiences once he was captured all those different traumas shows them self on a daily basis and it is heart-breaking.

                On the surface Cassie is a chirpy Lass, on a constant high forever smiling and she constantly babbles. I love how from the moment she sets her eyes on our Jamie she is forever referring to him as “My dashing pirate” or my personal favourite “Galahad”. Cassie holds a deep dark secret, one that she is too ashamed to tell anyone especially Jamie. She is stuck with her evil and abusive father the Reverend Reeve’s; who really is pure evil for a man of the cloth, he is got a seriously nasty temperament and personally speaking he ought to stop preaching at his daughter and the Warriners and drown himself in his own holy water. But then again, that may be too good for him. I have come across real bad and sadistic characters before but the Reverend Reeve’s does take the award for just how horrific he is. The way he treats his poor daughter is truly shocking.
                Cassie’s story, like Jamie’s is so beautiful written and actual very to date, I like the fact that Heath has brought some very important, yet unspoken issues of today, such as PTSD and slavery and family violence into the plot. This makes it so much more than your regulated Historical Romance.

                I think Heath has found her niche the way she has proven yet again that she is the master of the damaged and flawed heroes the way she portrays the vulnerability in Jamie is a work of art. I have said it before but I do love a fragile military hero, military men are very close to my heart so when ever I come across one in a Historical Romances I want realism, I don’t want raving and constant fighting that’s not the way of scarred military men they try to get on with their lives no matter what and Heath always gets her heroes psychological states spot on, she doesn’t over do it. Her character’s come to life right before your eyes you go on this journey with them and you are willing them on.
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                • NigelJ

                  NigelJ Total Gardener

                  Jan 31, 2012
                  Mad Scientist
                  Paignton Devon
                  Just finished "The Greatest Knight" by Thomas Asbridge about the life of William Marshall.
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                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    I don't buy books, except old ones in secondhand bookshop sales, as I read so many I couldn't afford to. We have an excellent library in the nearest town.

                    I also read some of the books that are given to us for our bookstall on Open Day. We get hundreds of books droped into us so we go through them and read what we fancy. Most are read once, best sellers (usually not my type of book) plus some old favourites and some interesting non-fiction and text books.

                    We also check through to see whether any might be good to sell on Amazon. Some of the non-fiction we can sell for £10-£30 on Amazon whereas books on the bookstall go for 50p or £1.
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                    • Gail_68

                      Gail_68 Guest

                      @shiney i've been with libraries and done the books i read then started buying new ones 3 for £10, then i turned to second hand books and in the end joined Amazon but the ones free i'd already read...so i either purchase them or pre-order one now if it takes my liking :)
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                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        @Gail_68 As I've read over 15,000 books it would cost a lot of money to buy them! :yikes:
                        • Agree Agree x 3
                        • Gail_68

                          Gail_68 Guest

                          @shiney i could'nt imagine trying to work out how much i've paid over the years besides the amount on my kindle mate...reading as cost me a fortune :thud: but something i really like :)
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                          • Gail_68

                            Gail_68 Guest

                            Right i've finished that series of books i've been adding...the 4th hasn't been released yet..so got to wait :frown:

                            Purchased this one yesterday and i hope it's a good read :)

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                            • Gail_68

                              Gail_68 Guest

                              Finished that book tonight (Shield of Kronos)...great read and just purchased the 2nd version :)

                              • Like Like x 2
                              • BeeHappy

                                BeeHappy Total Gardener

                                Feb 19, 2016
                                Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                                Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                                Saw this a thought of us book addicts :heehee:

                                • Funny Funny x 2
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