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Scented Magnolia
Hallo Gardeners..... I have a magnolia tree with blooms that I would guess are the Cambelli variety. However after 10 years I have just discovered that the blooms have a fantastic light...
Hallo Gardeners..... I have a magnolia tree with blooms that I would guess are the Cambelli variety. However after 10 years I have just discovered that the blooms have a fantastic light scent... Being a bit of a pedant, I am hoping someone can give me the name - google wasn't much help. ...
Hallo Gardeners..... I have a magnolia tree with blooms that I would guess are the Cambelli variety. However after 10 years I have just discovered that the blooms have a fantastic light scent... Being a bit of a pedant, I am hoping someone...
Hallo Gardeners..... I have a magnolia tree with blooms that I would guess are the Cambelli variety. However after 10 years I have just discovered that the blooms have a fantastic light...
Apr 18, 2010
Apr 18, 2010
Bulk Chemicals, Source?
Hi Can anyone recommend a supplier of lawn feed and mosskiller in bulk? I have a fairly large garden and find that the normal amounts I get in stores just aren't enough for the whole of the...
Hi Can anyone recommend a supplier of lawn feed and mosskiller in bulk? I have a fairly large garden and find that the normal amounts I get in stores just aren't enough for the whole of the grass area. What I am looking to do is a) get sufficient quantities to be able to treat the whole...
Hi Can anyone recommend a supplier of lawn feed and mosskiller in bulk? I have a fairly large garden and find that the normal amounts I get in stores just aren't enough for the whole of the grass area. What I am looking to do is a) get...
Hi Can anyone recommend a supplier of lawn feed and mosskiller in bulk? I have a fairly large garden and find that the normal amounts I get in stores just aren't enough for the whole of the...
Apr 15, 2010
Apr 15, 2010
A few years ago I foolishly planted a miniature bamboo alongside my goldfish pond. Not only has it spread under the rubber liner and grown through it, making the pond leak badly, it has also...
A few years ago I foolishly planted a miniature bamboo alongside my goldfish pond. Not only has it spread under the rubber liner and grown through it, making the pond leak badly, it has also spread along the ground with roots and pushing over a small brick retaining wall! A week or two back,...
A few years ago I foolishly planted a miniature bamboo alongside my goldfish pond. Not only has it spread under the rubber liner and grown through it, making the pond leak badly, it has also spread along the ground with roots and pushing over a...
A few years ago I foolishly planted a miniature bamboo alongside my goldfish pond. Not only has it spread under the rubber liner and grown through it, making the pond leak badly, it has also...
Apr 14, 2010
Apr 14, 2010
Magnolia Niger has arrived
Do I need to put feed or peat when planting. First time growing a Magnolia. Thanks in advance.
Do I need to put feed or peat when planting. First time growing a Magnolia. Thanks in advance.
Do I need to put feed or peat when planting. First time growing a Magnolia. Thanks in advance.
Do I need to put feed or peat when planting. First time growing a Magnolia. Thanks in advance.
Apr 14, 2010
Apr 14, 2010
struggling novice needing advise
Hi my name is Sarah and I'm a passionate but novice gardener and a newby to forum's, so please forgive any mistakes I may make, either in the garden, or any protocol I may not follow correctly on...
Hi my name is Sarah and I'm a passionate but novice gardener and a newby to forum's, so please forgive any mistakes I may make, either in the garden, or any protocol I may not follow correctly on the forum!So here goes..... I live in the South west of England and have had my Butia Capitata...
Hi my name is Sarah and I'm a passionate but novice gardener and a newby to forum's, so please forgive any mistakes I may make, either in the garden, or any protocol I may not follow correctly on the forum!So here goes..... I live in the South...
Hi my name is Sarah and I'm a passionate but novice gardener and a newby to forum's, so please forgive any mistakes I may make, either in the garden, or any protocol I may not follow correctly on...
sarahs garden
Apr 13, 2010
sarahs garden
Apr 13, 2010
New garden - edging
Hello all, Just moved house and the back garden is just soil and (a lot of) rocks. I've never had a garden before so it's all new to me, but I'm enjoying it so far. I've got a reasonable idea...
Hello all, Just moved house and the back garden is just soil and (a lot of) rocks. I've never had a garden before so it's all new to me, but I'm enjoying it so far. I've got a reasonable idea about what I want to create in the garden, but I'm not sure if it'll turn out how I vision it to be! ...
Hello all, Just moved house and the back garden is just soil and (a lot of) rocks. I've never had a garden before so it's all new to me, but I'm enjoying it so far. I've got a reasonable idea about what I want to create in the garden, but I'm...
Hello all, Just moved house and the back garden is just soil and (a lot of) rocks. I've never had a garden before so it's all new to me, but I'm enjoying it so far. I've got a reasonable idea...
Apr 13, 2010
Apr 13, 2010
new garden
hello everyone i have recently moved and the garden was a mess, i have dug up all what was there and now i have just soil left which i am intending to grass seed over, problem is after...
hello everyone i have recently moved and the garden was a mess, i have dug up all what was there and now i have just soil left which i am intending to grass seed over, problem is after spreading soil to fill in uneven bits i feel the garden level could be raised a few inches, can anyone guide...
hello everyone i have recently moved and the garden was a mess, i have dug up all what was there and now i have just soil left which i am intending to grass seed over, problem is after spreading soil to fill in uneven bits i feel the garden...
hello everyone i have recently moved and the garden was a mess, i have dug up all what was there and now i have just soil left which i am intending to grass seed over, problem is after...
Apr 13, 2010
Apr 13, 2010
Bonfire last autumn now wood ash/earth bed - What to plant ?
I had a bonfire with a load of sticks from the lopped trees and ivy etc last year which created a base of wood ash . I have now dug it up and created a nice round bed with a mix of earth and...
I had a bonfire with a load of sticks from the lopped trees and ivy etc last year which created a base of wood ash . I have now dug it up and created a nice round bed with a mix of earth and ash. I believe the wood-ash will create an alkaline "earth" and wonder what should be my next move. ...
I had a bonfire with a load of sticks from the lopped trees and ivy etc last year which created a base of wood ash . I have now dug it up and created a nice round bed with a mix of earth and ash. I believe the wood-ash will create an alkaline...
I had a bonfire with a load of sticks from the lopped trees and ivy etc last year which created a base of wood ash . I have now dug it up and created a nice round bed with a mix of earth and...
Apr 12, 2010
Apr 12, 2010
I do love these Daffodills
I do love these Daffodills
I do love these Daffodills
I do love these Daffodills
Apr 11, 2010
Apr 11, 2010
help! wall vines trees and privacy
Help!!! We had two trees close to the house and they grew out of control. I am a complete non gardener and have made a terrible mistake. There were only a few branches on the trees, so on one...
Help!!! We had two trees close to the house and they grew out of control. I am a complete non gardener and have made a terrible mistake. There were only a few branches on the trees, so on one tree I pruned it back so the branches weren't tapping on the roof of the conservatory and the other...
Help!!! We had two trees close to the house and they grew out of control. I am a complete non gardener and have made a terrible mistake. There were only a few branches on the trees, so on one tree I pruned it back so the branches weren't...
Help!!! We had two trees close to the house and they grew out of control. I am a complete non gardener and have made a terrible mistake. There were only a few branches on the trees, so on one...
Apr 10, 2010
Apr 10, 2010
how do i ???
how do i get rid of fly's and mozzies out of my greenhouse as they were not there until i put plants in this week... have thought of sticky tape....wot do you folks do
how do i get rid of fly's and mozzies out of my greenhouse as they were not there until i put plants in this week... have thought of sticky tape....wot do you folks do
how do i get rid of fly's and mozzies out of my greenhouse as they were not there until i put plants in this week... have thought of sticky tape....wot do you folks do
how do i get rid of fly's and mozzies out of my greenhouse as they were not there until i put plants in this week... have thought of sticky tape....wot do you folks do
Apr 9, 2010
Apr 9, 2010
Oxalis Deppei - Glucksklee - Four leaf clover
I bought a pack of these about a month ago and planted them in pots in an unheated greenhouse. I dug one up yesterday to see what was happening to it .................absolutely nothing!...
I bought a pack of these about a month ago and planted them in pots in an unheated greenhouse. I dug one up yesterday to see what was happening to it .................absolutely nothing!Anyone got experience of these?
I bought a pack of these about a month ago and planted them in pots in an unheated greenhouse. I dug one up yesterday to see what was happening to it .................absolutely nothing!Anyone got experience of these?
I bought a pack of these about a month ago and planted them in pots in an unheated greenhouse. I dug one up yesterday to see what was happening to it .................absolutely nothing!...
Apr 8, 2010
Apr 8, 2010
Landscaping my garden
:ntwrth: I was wondering if anyone knows how much a land scape gardener normally costs? My gardens measure 10ft x 18ft and 18ft x 10ft. I want new soil/grass on the first one and the second one...
:ntwrth: I was wondering if anyone knows how much a land scape gardener normally costs? My gardens measure 10ft x 18ft and 18ft x 10ft. I want new soil/grass on the first one and the second one paved. Any ideas what this may cost? Ball park figure even? Many thanks in advance!
:ntwrth: I was wondering if anyone knows how much a land scape gardener normally costs? My gardens measure 10ft x 18ft and 18ft x 10ft. I want new soil/grass on the first one and the second one paved. Any ideas what this may cost? Ball park...
:ntwrth: I was wondering if anyone knows how much a land scape gardener normally costs? My gardens measure 10ft x 18ft and 18ft x 10ft. I want new soil/grass on the first one and the second one...
Apr 7, 2010
Apr 7, 2010
garden faces NE Help!
Last year I fenced off part of garden to keep pup away. However veg didn't do too well then I found out that may be because it is in the shade from the house a lot of the day. Any suggestions...
Last year I fenced off part of garden to keep pup away. However veg didn't do too well then I found out that may be because it is in the shade from the house a lot of the day. Any suggestions what I can grow and do you think it was the direction of the garden or was I just unlucky? Thanks
Last year I fenced off part of garden to keep pup away. However veg didn't do too well then I found out that may be because it is in the shade from the house a lot of the day. Any suggestions what I can grow and do you think it was the...
Last year I fenced off part of garden to keep pup away. However veg didn't do too well then I found out that may be because it is in the shade from the house a lot of the day. Any suggestions...
Apr 5, 2010
Apr 5, 2010
Kerria Japonica - can i dig it up and move it?
Hi all, We have a mature (around 25 - 30 years old) Kerria Japonica which happily does it's thing every year without any fuss. Being a beginner I'm only just catching on to the need to prune...
Hi all, We have a mature (around 25 - 30 years old) Kerria Japonica which happily does it's thing every year without any fuss. Being a beginner I'm only just catching on to the need to prune regularly
but am I right in thinking I need to prune after flowering?My other half hates it. He says...
Hi all, We have a mature (around 25 - 30 years old) Kerria Japonica which happily does it's thing every year without any fuss. Being a beginner I'm only just catching on to the need to prune regularly
but am I right in thinking I need to prune...
Hi all, We have a mature (around 25 - 30 years old) Kerria Japonica which happily does it's thing every year without any fuss. Being a beginner I'm only just catching on to the need to prune...
Mar 24, 2010
Mar 24, 2010
How to be a gardener
Just heard a radio interview with Alan Titchmarsh, he was plugging "How to be a gardener" ...I thought they where books (and they probably are) but I just searched the BBC and found this...
Just heard a radio interview with Alan Titchmarsh, he was plugging "How to be a gardener" ...I thought they where books (and they probably are) but I just searched the BBC and found this interesting and helpful page. I'm sure many people will gain much from this site, go have a peek! Steve...
Just heard a radio interview with Alan Titchmarsh, he was plugging "How to be a gardener" ...I thought they where books (and they probably are) but I just searched the BBC and found this interesting and helpful page. I'm sure many people...
Just heard a radio interview with Alan Titchmarsh, he was plugging "How to be a gardener" ...I thought they where books (and they probably are) but I just searched the BBC and found this...
Steve R
Mar 24, 2010
Steve R
Mar 24, 2010
Keyhole Gardens
Hi everyone,Here is a great little thing called a Keyhole garden, which is a type of kitchen garden which recycles as it grows. The design - which looks like a keyhole from above -...
Hi everyone,Here is a great little thing called a Keyhole garden, which is a type of kitchen garden which recycles as it grows. The design - which looks like a keyhole from above - incorporates a central 'basket' where compostable waste is placed and water is poured.I work at Send A Cow...
Hi everyone,Here is a great little thing called a Keyhole garden, which is a type of kitchen garden which recycles as it grows. The design - which looks like a keyhole from above - incorporates a central 'basket' where compostable waste is...
Hi everyone,Here is a great little thing called a Keyhole garden, which is a type of kitchen garden which recycles as it grows. The design - which looks like a keyhole from above -...
Mar 24, 2010
Mar 24, 2010
Verbena stricta
I am growing a few trays of this Verbena and they are coming along well on a windowsill. One tray in particular is quitea jungle of verbena seedlings now. At what point, if any, need I prick...
I am growing a few trays of this Verbena and they are coming along well on a windowsill. One tray in particular is quitea jungle of verbena seedlings now. At what point, if any, need I prick them out to smaller or individual pots/ Can it just be grown like basil in big groups?
I am growing a few trays of this Verbena and they are coming along well on a windowsill. One tray in particular is quitea jungle of verbena seedlings now. At what point, if any, need I prick them out to smaller or individual pots/ Can it just...
I am growing a few trays of this Verbena and they are coming along well on a windowsill. One tray in particular is quitea jungle of verbena seedlings now. At what point, if any, need I prick...
Mar 21, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
Is it safe to underplant these?
Sorry for the endless questions, but here's another one!
I have a few shrubs planted in large pots: A forsythia, a twisted hazel and a japanese cherry (prunus kojonomai), as they are in very...
Sorry for the endless questions, but here's another one!
I have a few shrubs planted in large pots: A forsythia, a twisted hazel and a japanese cherry (prunus kojonomai), as they are in very large pots is it ok to underplant them to add some interest? Which would be best, bulbs or...
Sorry for the endless questions, but here's another one!
I have a few shrubs planted in large pots: A forsythia, a twisted hazel and a japanese cherry (prunus kojonomai), as they are in very large pots is it ok to underplant them to add...
Sorry for the endless questions, but here's another one!
I have a few shrubs planted in large pots: A forsythia, a twisted hazel and a japanese cherry (prunus kojonomai), as they are in very...
Mar 21, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
Help with solanum alba climber plant please?
I planted a solanum alba last last late spring which grew really quickly and flowered.During the winter months it looks dead, do you have to trim it back to the roots, or will it revive from...
I planted a solanum alba last last late spring which grew really quickly and flowered.During the winter months it looks dead, do you have to trim it back to the roots, or will it revive from where it left off?Any help appreciated. Thanks.
I planted a solanum alba last last late spring which grew really quickly and flowered.During the winter months it looks dead, do you have to trim it back to the roots, or will it revive from where it left off?Any help appreciated. Thanks.
I planted a solanum alba last last late spring which grew really quickly and flowered.During the winter months it looks dead, do you have to trim it back to the roots, or will it revive from...
Mar 21, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
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