Bri's gardening progress blogthingibob

Discussion in 'Gardening For People With Disabilities' started by manxnorton, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. manxnorton

    manxnorton Gardener

    Jun 5, 2020
    Hi all,
    This is my journey so far.
    Hope it in the right place lol.
    Only been hand(s) for a month of two obv. With the lockdown situation.
    But for the past few years I was making DIY wooden projects for others, bird boxes, bird tables, large small planters etc.
    For all I had a great collection of nettles, my two plants need saving.
    So one I can remember (Japanese maple) other cant remember.
    Small planters and new potting soil so fingers crossed.
    Bought two tomato plans, two peppers, one turned out be a cucumber lol me and bad brain.
    So far they're growing.
    I will leave it there for now, as it look nearly an hour typing this all good therapy lol.
    Once I suss the picture going on etc. I'll be putting pictures to my journey.
    Have a safe and enjoyable weekend all.
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    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      Welcome to the forum! With zero hand problems you'll have to be patient with my constant typos and I think you'll find that everyone here is friendly and are good typo translators. Joining in conversations and sharing pictures when you can is always welcome. :)

      Oh, and you'll have to forgive my photography skills too:heehee:
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      • Aldo

        Aldo Super Gardener

        Nov 25, 2017
        Welcome Bri :)
        Actually, the cucumber could be good! Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.. always a good mix.
        Looking forward to the pictures :)
        • Like Like x 3
        • manxnorton

          manxnorton Gardener

          Jun 5, 2020
          Morning all,
          Thank you so much for taking time to reply.
          I don’t know if yous all would understand my gibberish lol..
          I had to relearn reading writing and how to speak in therapy in hospital.
          All said and done I manage as best I can. Still need to work out structuring a paragraphs etc if you understand?
          Anyways one my bugbears is (apart using my tiny ) If for example I want to ask/find out what is the best germination glowlights Uk and someone says the Model name 9 time out of ten a picture/link helps me best.
          Buying online I should get ‘SCREENED’ haha! I struggle as you found out went by myself had a list writing down:
          Tomato plants, pepper plants and herbs....I just planted them didn’t look at the label..just to find out one pepper turned out a cucumber.
          Not a big prob but I wanted to replace kitchen cabinet I research to find out there a measurement (NUMBERS, measurements, weights etc) I totally struggle
          Cut a long story short I had 20 handles too small costing about £40.

          humour it’s the key tbh I don’t beat myself up anymore.haha!
          It may take me longer to do things with my mobility and one arm action but beauty of it try it and work out adaptions to do it, I.e. my woodworking (ok not the best woodworker out there )
          Have to laugh I was talking to the other half about the weather change and I came Out with “the rain is good for the garden!”
          OMG I rest my case....I’ll get my coat taxi!!!
          Lata on I’m going to asks questions/advise/help so be warned lol.
          Off to check up on my worm farm :-)
          Later everyone
          • Friendly Friendly x 2
          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            @manxnorton I'm sorry but I don't understand half of your post above. It looks like rambling to me and I do not translate short forms.

            I hope your garden does well.
            • Like Like x 1
            • Agree Agree x 1
            • Aldo

              Aldo Super Gardener

              Nov 25, 2017
              Hi Bri,

              as for growlights I am not an expert myself, however some on the forum use them regularly and perhaps will chime in with advice.
              As for models, I looked on Amazon and I have seen some cheap ones which looks easy to install but will probably only work for seedlings as full grown plants:


              Also more expensive ones which will cover a larger area and larger plants:


              But I have no experience with grow lights, I can only say that Amazon reviews for the above two lights are positive.
              If you have some model in mind, the easiest way is to post the link to models you are considering, so people can give you an opinion.
              Unless that was only an example of how you are currently managing best with pictures than with words.

              It also happens to me to get confused with sizes and numbers, and buy stuff which will not fit :D
              And yes, laughing it off is the best option often.

              Rain is a contentious issue on the forum :) Many who have lots of plants wish for it, as it saves on watering.
              People like myself would take sunshine over rain any time, but I have a small garden so watering never takes me more than 30 minutes all in.

              My uncle got a stroke as well years ago and initially was completely paralyzed and unable to talk.
              He took him several years, but he recovered entirely. For some reason, he also developed a very inventive sense of humour in the process. He used to be a very serious person, always talking very seriously before.
              Now, he pulls a joke every minute.
              Actually, he looks happier now.

              So, well done on working on it. It must be hard at times, but it will pay back!
              • Like Like x 1
              • Selleri

                Selleri Koala

                Mar 1, 2009
                North Tyneside
                Hi Bri, welcome to the forum! :)

                Don't worry about your writing, you are doing a grand job and we all have our own muddly gibberish streaks that are occasionally hard to understand.

                Like you have already done, just let us know exactly what a helpful answer to your question would look like, a picture, link or a written description.

                One thing about planters, I'd recommend to get the biggest planters you can get. A tomato plant would be fine in a bucket (with drainage holes pierced in the bottom), anything smaller would mean a lot of watering and feeding.

                Have a great weekend and feel free to fire away with questions :)
                • Agree Agree x 1
                • Informative Informative x 1
                • CanadianLori

                  CanadianLori Total Gardener

                  Sep 20, 2015
                  Battle Axe
                  Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                  @manxnorton I use grow lights indoors for my seedlings which will later be planted outside. I grow most of my garden from seed. I use LED's, the ones that are like strip lighting with a mixture of blue and deep pinky/red - looks like bright pink when lit and the plants just love them. If you are planning on growing things small and large, you will need separate lights for each height and having the option to raise and lower them gives you lots of options. I just used ladder tape (the stuff that venetian blinds blades hang in) and S hooks. I can raise and lower simply by putting the hook higher or lower on the ladder. Even cord with loops at various levels will work as long as you have a place to hold the S hooks on the fixture. Mine look like shop lights except for having the grow lights in them instead of fluorescent or white LED. And they are inexpensive to run. Pennies. My lighting in indoor my set up, which covers about 28 square feet, uses about 60kw for the whole shebang. Really economical.

                  Mainly what you want is bright and close to the plants. Raise the lights to just above the plants as they grow. :)
                  • Informative Informative x 2
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                  • manxnorton

                    manxnorton Gardener

                    Jun 5, 2020
                    Wow top info there and thank you.
                    Could I include a link of my latest contraption glow light stand, on my gardening playlist (YouTube)?
                    Have you got a link of buying the lights?
                    Picture n link better for me to digest lol.
                    I’ll fire the measurements of the stand and the potting table, so you all can get a idea and how to help me.
                    Rain stopped play for the mo...cold and wind smashes me tbh.
                    Prob the morning I will move the potting table in doors and set up the Stand and give you’d an update.
                    I’ll save another question for after a cuppa and fire up the pc...
                    Thx again.
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • manxnorton

                      manxnorton Gardener

                      Jun 5, 2020
                      Atm the stand has:
                      106cm between the both the stand
                      And the height is 51cms (that would be down the table not considering the flats I eventually use.
                      Talking of flats my next question is (bare with me lol)
                      Hope to do micro-greens so any links/pics for suitable flats and advice be most appreciated?
                      Ok I haven’t got outside to measure the table and same time the stand, but I will once the weather turns lol.
                      Part 2 of the question I’ve used small placca containers and 2 simple planters knock up with wood scaps.
                      There’s them trays you can buy and the little tubs for seedlings
                      Any links to buy?
                      Btw tried my best to get to the local garden centre but I turns around the queues were a mile long :-(
                      So for my safety (the RONA virus) make sure I Maintain my vulnerable class as best I can lol it’ll be online shopping......OMG THIS SHOULD BE A LAUGH!!!
                      Hear it how, “wonder what’s Bri bought and if it’s the item he wanted?” Or instead of one a 1000 of each or multiply buys as I’m know as.
                      Think tunnel vision and not using what’s left of my brain cells properly haha!
                      Off to see if I can get out in the garden...but atm the neibours are having there 27543,644 BBQ...and drinking as if there’s no deadly virus....same around the world...shame.
                      God bless and safe one guys n girls.
                    • manxnorton

                      manxnorton Gardener

                      Jun 5, 2020
                      I totally understand your view...can you help me the meaning of rambling in explain more?
                      Is it the structure of what I type down?
                      Or what I actually write is total crap?
                      Translate short forms?

                      Maybe in the future to help all of you maybe I do short sentences and make what I'm putting in is consice if you know what I mean.
                      Thank you again.
                      Brian :-)
                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      Sorry @manxnorton I just looked for it and can't find it on the site where I bought it. I believe if you do a search using LED as the key word, you'll find posts that have links that still work. As an fyi, you wouldn't have the same suppliers there as we do here so it might have been useless.

                      Hmmm, was it @Aldo who talked about this a few months ago. Can't remember :scratch:
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • manxnorton

                        manxnorton Gardener

                        Jun 5, 2020
                        Thanks so much getting back to me.
                        Looking at the top lamp is OK free standing and an option for the price, maybe if I get another table for the smaller planters, and save the big table and stand for maybe seed flats.
                        The second one is more the type but the price is woooshhh over my pocket lol.
                        Hmmmmmmm so maybe I imagine with the stand and got the chains maybe 'shop' light set up (width under 106cm)
                        Am I in the right direction?
                        Hope this link helps?

                        Sorry can't include links as a newbie

                        All I can discibe is a shop light setup (with DIY stand)
                        Maybe change the elements from normal to grow lights (think T8 tubes I saw!
                        Or the LED type.
                        Of course you may ask what's my budget?
                        Under £100...ok I get it you've get what you pay for!

                        I tried to look at gumtree for lighting but after an hour I give up lol.

                        Think every family or friends have experience on strokes, took 7 months for my brain to 'Re-map' and some of my memories came back lol.
                        The first sentence was in German slang to a cute physio haha! Luckily she took it in fun.
                        Anyway hope this helps you a lot to sus what I've been with Klingon?
                      • manxnorton

                        manxnorton Gardener

                        Jun 5, 2020
                        Thank m8.
                        Was advised that LED lighting is the way ahead, but more expensive but in the long run it better.
                      • CanadianLori

                        CanadianLori Total Gardener

                        Sep 20, 2015
                        Battle Axe
                        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                        Went looking for another example and couldn't find one so sharing a picture of how they look. Very pink and very effective. DSCN2731.JPG DSCN2732.JPG
                        • Funny Funny x 1

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