Gardengirl intro

Discussion in 'Gardeners Corner Question Time' started by Gardengirl, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Gardengirl

    Gardengirl Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 10, 2012
    How did you come to join Gardeners Corner? I want to learn more and to exchange tips, hints and information about my favourite pastime.

    2. Name the countries or counties you have lived in â? France, USA, Australia and UK. Gardening in Australia was fascinating. I now live in soutwest England.

    3. Describe the type of work you do. Office work - I am an Executive Assistant, hence I need toget out into the garden at every opportuity. I can spend dawn till dusk doing just that.

    4. Describe how you first got into gardening â?¦ As a child my sisters and I were encouraged to share garden chores by my Father and I realised in my early twenties that it was a very satisfying activity.

    5. What would be your dream type of garden and do you think you will ever be able to achieve it? A secluded, walled garden with all walls bordered by Acacia semperflorens, which flower throughout the summer, and have white blossoms and bright green foliage; flowering cherry, apple and pear trees. Split into three sections, the closest section-a terrace filled by a wisteria covered pergola for entertaining; the middle section-lawn bordered by shrubs and cottage garden flowers; third section-split into a wildflower meadow and a vegetable patch. Although I would require a much larger property and garden which isn't viable but I can dabble with my little plot and dream! I do have a long narrow garden divided into three sections and it is a little like an enchanted garden in the summer when everything is in full growth and bloom.

    6. Have you any particular favourites in celebrity gardeners, flowers, shrubs and/or vegetables? I used to watch all the tv gardening programmes, I dont have any favs. I enjoy the climbing plants that dont seem to grow for me as they should - wisteria, honeysuckle, clematis, scented jasmine. I have a cherry tree donated as a wedding gift which is now beginning to grow well. When I had a veg patch I used to enjoy growing tomatoes, chives, tarragon, mint, chillies and the most successful strawberries. I would like to be able to grow raspberries but no space in the garden sadly.

    7. Have you ever entered any of your plants into shows? No

    8. If you had a garden created in your memory, what plants do you think would most adequately sum up you and..I would imagine a two-themed garden. It should be bordered with mature Oaks and Horse Chestnut trees for privacy and for the canopy. I have been told that I am a solid reliable type and these trees reflect that too. A thicket of hazlenuts and bamboo at one corner which provide a hide-out. I am a private person and not afraid to be alone; I can also be prickly - all that is reflected above. Wildflower borders to represent my ocasional randomness. Bluebells and snowdrops growing underneath the trees because there are areas of Surrey like this where I walk and gain great solace. Grassy lawns with that freshly mowed smell that I love so much and always enjoy mowing myself. A sundial in the centre. A shallow lake with punting for others to enjoy. I like the company of family and friends. A mixture of trad English and the plants I used to have in my south eastern Aussie garden such as kangeroo paw, flaming red bottlebrush, banksia, red hot poker, blue agapanthus with a border of scorched white stones; a mature mulberry tree, ferns, shady palms, an irrigation system that I you could adjust so that is sent sprays cascading high into the air - as if it were a tropical rainforest.

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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Nice one, thanks for sharing:dbgrtmb:

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