Laying New Turf

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by DMC611, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. DMC611

    DMC611 Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 2, 2017
    Hi guys,

    I'm new to the forum and new to the world of gardening!

    Moved into our home about 5/6 months ago and neglected the garden to renovate the house. Anyways, I'm excited to start now and get new turf down (after levelling)

    As you can see from the picture, All bushes/flowers have been dug out. I have also skimmed the grass/weeds off the top. The roots on some of the weeds haven't been dug up yet (6/7 inches deep) but I'm hoping to get 90% of them up when turning over the soil and levelling it off.

    I have a few questions as I don't want to destroy the new turf!!

    1. If I don't get every weed/blade of grass/stone/leaf up off the soil will it affect the turf after being laid?

    2. Can I turn over the soil in this wet weather? I have read online that the soil needs to be crumbly/dry. Is this the case?

    3.Do I need to add topsoil? Trying to keep costs low, due to having the rear garden next on the list.

    Can anyone offer any advice please? Or possibly give me a step by step guide.

    Thank you :)

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  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016:

    I'm veg and wildflowers dept. so i'll leave the question to more knowledgeable members :)
  3. ricky101

    ricky101 Total Gardener

    Jun 15, 2016

    Am no lawn laying expert, but your front is clearly a mature one, so your soil will probably be good enough as it is.

    If you push your spade right in, if it is still similar soil 9" down then that should be fine ; if you have you a lot of clay or flints just below the surface thats a different matter.

    You can dig it over, provided its not really sodden /waterlogged, though judging by my own soil, its still turning over easily despite all the rain.
    If its wet and sticky and hard work, just leave it a while.

    You will never get everything up, the odd small stone and bit of grass will not matter, its the deeper roots you want to get out, which should come up with your digging.

    They say you can lay turf anytime and the last few week would have been ideal with plenty or rain and some sun, but you may find its going to take some weeks for you to dig it all over, level it and 'heal' or lightly roller it down, and by then we might be in a heatwave.

    Might suggest leaving laying it until mid September when the suns not a fierce or even sow your own from seed if you are the patient type ?
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