New Turf problems

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by JennyR89, May 18, 2017.

  1. JennyR89

    JennyR89 Apprentice Gardener

    May 18, 2017
    Hi I'm new to this site. I'm looking for some help. hope im in the right place.

    We had a new turf put down last Monday watered as instructed once in evening, but as youll remember we hit a very hot few days the ground was dry even with watering and the turf began dying so I began heavily watering morning and night 6 days on my turf is 90% back to life and looking lovely but still a few stubborn edges where it suffered the worst that are brown but definitely improving so i have no worries there.

    Now im facing a new issue ive noticed a fair few blades of grass now have brown tips. The lawn hasnt been walked on or cut whats causing this any help would be greatly appreciated i spent alot of money on this garden so need a fix !
    Also should i now calm down with the watering and go back to once a day?

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  2. Liz the pot

    Liz the pot Total Gardener

    Jul 1, 2015
    Did the landscaper who did the turf leave any instructions for you?
    New turf need to be watered in when theres a dry spell but if you are now getting the rain I am hold back on watering and let the rain do the work but if its not enough then continue to water to avoid shrinkage.
    Turf will not be solid green at all times and it reacts to environmental conditions, you do get blades that die off and that is what it looks like to me. However if you have any concerns you should go back to company who laid the lawn.
    Personally with the dry weather and as it was stressed by the lack of water I would say its not something to be concerned about as you say its recovering well.
  3. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Hi @JennyR89 and welcome to GC :sign0016:

    It looks to me as though you have done exactly the right thing. Grass is fairly resilient, and will bounce back with a bit of care, but it isn't going to bounce back all at once if it has had a set back. The brown tips are most likely one of two things in my opinion - dead parts of the leaves from when they were too dry, and/or sun-scorch if there has been water sitting on them in full sunlight.

    The fact that the leaves are nice and green underneath those tips suggests to me that the grass is growing well, and now that the dry spell appears to have come to an end it would seem sensible to ease back on the watering to once a day (evening/night time being the best time to do so).

    Give it time, and maybe even a light cut, and bear with it - your patience will pay off. :)
  4. JennyR89

    JennyR89 Apprentice Gardener

    May 18, 2017
    Thanks for the reply Liz he originally said water well when the sun set and dont walk or cut it for around 3-4 weeks. I contacted him again during the drought and heat spell when the turf started suffering he told me to soak it early morning amd evening as it has dried out too much with the hot weather. I laid off watering it when it rained but where i am its only rained twice since so I've been doing it every day.
  5. JennyR89

    JennyR89 Apprentice Gardener

    May 18, 2017
    Thanks fat controller. You've both reassured me it is taking patience especially when it appeared to be dead watching it daily hoping it would show signs of improvement was frustrating but thankfully as you say its currently paying off. I just hope it continues i panicked seeing the brown tips as i read it could be a fungal issue if night times are above a certain temperature but currently its not.
  6. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    I think you should give yourself a bit of credit to be fair - the grass in your picture looks quite healthy to me. There are parts of my garden that are nowhere near as healthy looking.
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    • Liz the pot

      Liz the pot Total Gardener

      Jul 1, 2015
      Im sure it will be fine.
      The technical answer involves a process called evapotranspiration which in basic terms is how the plant controls the release of moisture through openings in the Cuticle called stomata.
      Its a very important process as it effect photosynthesis. New turf will have an good source of nutrients and maybe he added a fertiliser which adds the growth of the plant.
      When the plant has more nutrients it increases its growth and can force the plant to grow quickly, we see this when you apply a high N feed that creates a spurt of growth. The grass when growing quickly will became stressed out quicker as it can't control the moisture content release so in a dry period the grass shows a sudden dip and stresses out.
      A plant is able to stop moisture leaving the plant but in return this effects Photosynthesis.
      This is what makes grass plants as Fat Controller stated resilient and why a good practice with fertilisers can make a difference to the quality of the plant.

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