Potential raspberry problem (virus ?)

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by THFC, May 24, 2024.

  1. THFC

    THFC Gardener

    Jul 11, 2022
    Hello all,

    I was hoping you could advise me.
    Two of my raspberry plants (one bought as a plant last year, the second as a bare root this year) have developed brown marks on their leaves.
    Plant 1 is most severe and I have already cut off 10-20 leaves over the last month.
    Plant 2 is less severe, but has marks on a couple of leaves.

    Does anyone know what these may be and if there is anything that can be done?

    I’m hoping I don’t have to rip them up, but will if I have to.

    I’m wondering whether I they should be
    put in isolation for the time being in case it’s infectious?

    photos attached.

    Any advice would be most welcome.

    Attached Files:


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