Should I help or not

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by luciusmaximus, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. luciusmaximus

    luciusmaximus Total Gardener

    Apr 18, 2014
    Lost in the Wilderness
    Isle of Anglesey
    As recently mentioned we visited a local rescue on the island. During conversation she said she has lost buns to RVHD2 ( rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease of which there is 1 and 2 strains ). She said it happened when number 2 first appeared and the vaccine was difficult to obtain. However, it is easily available now and not expensive. I have, in the past, paid for some of her buns to have the combination vaccine against RVHD1 and Myxomatosis as she she said she did not have the funds and also donated food. I have known this rescue for 4_5 years and each year she loses buns from not vaccinating and other viruses/bacterial infections due to bad hygiene practises. The first year I went there she lost most of her buns to myxomatosis. Vaccinations are so important to protect the buns, they are not an optional extra.

    Before we visited a couple of days ago I was thinking of offering to pay for more vaccinations. When we arrived the first thing I noticed was that a large two story extension was in process of being built. So, of course, it occurred to me to think if they have the money for this then surely they can afford a few hundred quid for vaccinations :dunno:. I'm not being judgemental and its none of my business how they can afford it, but I hate to see the buns lives at risk. So I didn't say anything. Been thinking about what to do to best help. I could do nothing. I could pay for a few vaccinations but what happens when the vaccinations are due again and she doesn't keep it up. I could take a bun, which is a more permanent kind of ' help ' for the the individual bun but doesn't help the rescue as a whole. Taking a bun does come with a risk due to the lack of vaccinations and other viruses/bacterial infections. The first rabbit I had from her died very suddenly after just 6 months :cry3:. My vet thought it could be linked to EC - Encephalitozoon Cuniculi, a protozoan parasite that affects rabbits. Aubrey ( thankfully ) has been just fine.

    Your thoughts would be welcomed.
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    • ricky101

      ricky101 Total Gardener

      Jun 15, 2016

      Your question is very specific, but it does raise the whole charity donation situation.

      Though one often thinks certain causes must be worthwhile, today, one of my first thoughts is how much does their chief executive get paid along with the rest of the upper echelon and what percentage actually makes it to the actual cause, let alone foreign aid getting to those who need it rather than corrupt officials..

      A two storey extension must be at least into the £20-30k bracket so feel sure that lady or her close family has more than enough money and is really playing on your and probably quiet a few other folks feelings.

      Have to ask, doe the local RSPCA or Council Health Inspectors know of this lady and the way she keeps the buns without proper control /medication ?
      • Agree Agree x 3
      • Ned

        Ned Evaporated

        Apr 25, 2017
        Prime Minister
        The Moon
        Sometimes our hearts can over rule our heads. As you probably know, I help with wildlife rescue and take in all sorts of creatures in a ''halfway house'' capacity, however, I would be very doubtful about trying to vaccinate the rabbit population. They breed like (rabbits :heehee:) and can become an almighty problem.
        Does this person at the rescue have other rescued animals/birds, and is her establishment recognised by the RSPCA and local vets?
        I would be really cautious if I were you.
        • Agree Agree x 2
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        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          I can only agree with the others.

          It needs dedication to run a sanctuary but it also needs proper procedures and the money to make them work. To me it sounds as though the place is not being run properly and I'd be loathe to put money into it.

          What occurred to me, and I know virtually nothing about looking after sick, injured and abandoned animals, is that she is running a place without giving the necessary vaccinations. This means that other rescue animals that may be disease free may be being infected by the ones she already has. That's not doing anyone any favours.

          If she can't run it properly she shouldn't be doing it at all. :noidea: :sad:
          • Agree Agree x 3
          • Jiffy

            Jiffy The Match is on Fire

            Aug 25, 2011
            Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
            Basic hygiene is a must and if someone can't do that they shouldn't be looking after aniamls
            I always look at bothsides of the fence when i give any money, i only give to non profit ,but will look to where money goes, if i think/see that money doesn't go to where it should i don't give, i'm not going to help with someones life syle
            • Agree Agree x 2
              Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
            • Jiffy

              Jiffy The Match is on Fire

              Aug 25, 2011
              Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
              If you want to help buy the vaccinations and not give money, that way you know it will go to the buns, unless she sells it or use it for her self
              • Like Like x 1
              • Ned

                Ned Evaporated

                Apr 25, 2017
                Prime Minister
                The Moon
                D`you know @luciusmaximus, as much as I like to do as much as possible here for wildlife, it is only really possible to do it ''right'' if you have a tough side. Whenever I have come across a rabbit with mixy, or one in dire straights while out with the dogs, I steel myself, and end their suffering as quickly as possible.
                The more I have mulled over your original post, the more I think the woman you speak of is a few marbles short of the game. Sometimes it is good intentions that pave the road to hell.
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                • Kandy

                  Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                  Apr 23, 2006
                  Head gardener
                  In the Middle Of Blighty
                  @luciusmaximus i have tried Googling animal sanctuaries on Anglesey and can only find an RSPCA one and one other I think it was that has dogs and cats so I expect this woman isn’t a registered charity so doing it through donations from you and others?

                  If she wanted to help the buns then she would be setting it up properly and having and indoor area where she can house the animals in the winter months because if she is keeping them outside in appalling conditions I am not surprised that she is losing them all to disease and she needs closing down if the conditions are that bad that it is upsetting you for days at a time.:sick0026: . You yourself have to live as you have your own bills and daily living expenses to fork out for as well as the pets and hedgehogs you have rescued.She can’t be that hard up if she is having such a large extension built. I’m sorry but if she was a genuine animal rescuer she would keep the animals in really good conditions and would be a proper registered charity and surley would have volunteers to help clean them out?

                  As you know we were upset after what happened to us this year over those four baby hedgehogs we took to a rescue centre and never got back especially after we were told they would be kept indoors in warm conditions and then they told us that a couple of them had died when they put them outside and we had also given them donations of money to pay for the food:mad:

                  We no longer support small animal charities as we have lost confidence after that incident and give our money to the RNLI charity instead:biggrin:
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                  • luciusmaximus

                    luciusmaximus Total Gardener

                    Apr 18, 2014
                    Lost in the Wilderness
                    Isle of Anglesey
                    The rescue has been operating for 20 years, although not all of it on Anglesey. They are not a charity but advertise themselves as a sanctuary. They are apparently endorsed by the RSPCA, who regularly take wildlife to them. I was quite shocked after my first visit 4-5 years ago as I didn't think places like that existed anymore :cry3:. I have to believe that what is happening is a case of over stretching, under staffing and under funding, although they don't seem to be aware of it. Most of the buns are housed in an out building with no windows and no heating. It is possibly the worst rabbitry I have seen. I have offered on three separate occasions to clean out the buns but she hasn't taken me up on my offer. Most of the problems I see could be easily resolved.

                    As I wrote earlier I have previously paid for vaccinations and donated sacks of food. She took the buns to my vets and I paid over the phone. I NEVER give money to any rescue as cash donations can be subject to abuse.

                    @Kandy I think the RSPCA place is the vet clinic in Holyhead. I think also the cat/dog rescue might be Anglesey Animal Friends. Not sure if they are still operating. It's such a shame you had a bad experience with the hedgehog rescue. I have heard of others who have had similar issues too. If this rescue is approved by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society you could perhaps complain to them and voice your concerns.

                    The wildlife rescue here takes in hedgehogs - and therein lies another story :sad: :sad:. Actually same story as above just different species.
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