US Gun laws

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by HYDROGEN86, Jul 22, 2012.


    HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

    Jul 17, 2011
    in the shed
    I really dont understand the USA. You get caught with a little bit of weed and in some states you go straight to county jail with who knows what type of people. You get caught with a machine gun and providing you have a piece of paper for it you get a pat on the back :scratch:
    Also a weapon is a weapon weather it is an M16 or an F-17, if i win the lotto can i go to the US and buy myself a fighter jet for my own "protection"
    How did they get like that?
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    They got their priorities wrong, can't remember anyone bursting into a room & killing loads of people with a plant.
    • Like Like x 9
    • HYDROGEN86

      HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

      Jul 17, 2011
      in the shed
      He`s back :dancy: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
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      • Fidgetsmum

        Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

        Jul 25, 2009
        Deepest, darkest Kent
        Well, that's as maybe, but not far from where I live is a road sign which, in large letters, warns me "DANGER - Heavy Plant Crossing".
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        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          :snork: There's a place near Exeter called Heavitree. Always fancied putting a sign like that next to it.
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          • clueless1

            clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

            Jan 8, 2008
            I take it this pondering is in response to the latest of what seems to be a recurring problem in the US, with the shooting being in a cinema this time.

            It is one of the things that annoys me in the extreme, that a country that has it built into their constitution that you can carry a gun and kill people is also the country that seeks to tell the rest of the world what is the right way to live.

            So lets say that the gun you are carrying is for your protection. Everyone has the right to protect themselves don't they? What if you're only of slight build, and a 6ft+ muscle bound man decides he wants to mug you. Surely that's a perfectly good reason why a gun would balance the odds a bit isn't it? Ok, so what if that mugger knows you're likely to be carrying a gun for self defence, so he carries a gun too. No problem, you get a bigger gun, and a semi auto so that if you miss on the first shot you can quickly fire again. Then the mugger knows you might have done that, so he decides he should carry a better gun, and that he should make sure you don't get a chance to shoot him.

            Or, another way to look at it. Take one person with serious issues. Wait for them to flip. Stand back while they punch a wall or smash a bus stop up. Or, if they have easy access to a gun...
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            • *dim*

              *dim* Head Gardener

              Jun 26, 2011
              I used to own 2 handguns in South Africa .... a colt 45 gold cup (which was way too heavy to carry), and a walther ppk ... my wife had a sig sauer P230 ... luckily, neither of us ever had to use it for self defense .... We were members of a team that practised combat shooting at a local shooting range

              after I left South Africa, a law was passed that people had to hand in their guns at the nearest police station (for no compensation whatsoever) .... Many in the police force saw this as an opportunity to make some illegal cash, and many of the guns that were handed in, were sold illegaly to hardened criminals

              now, only the criminals have guns, (and there are many) ... and the law abiding citizens have no means whatsoever to protect themselves .... Previously, criminals were very wary, as they never knew if you carried or owned a gun ....

              now, they just knock on your front door at 9pm, you open the door and are overpowered by thugs with guns .... since this law was passed, violent crime has risen sharply in South Africa, and Johannesburg is now rated as the crime capital of the world

              The same thing will/may happen in the US .... many say that Obama will soon try and oulaw gun ownership in the USA .... there will be riots as many will oppose this if it is indeed true
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              • clueless1

                clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                Jan 8, 2008
                Obama has no chance whatsoever of outlawing guns. There are 2 reasons for this:

                1. It is in the constitution. That document that was written by rebels is held dear by the yanks.

                2. Obama is black. There are plenty of racists in the US, as demonstrated so many times already. Remember the news article where Obama was accidentally on purpose mis-spelled as Osama? Or the the claims that he was a Muslim, and the reaction of horror that that created in the US? Remember when he tried to reform the health care system? Obama is fine as long as he doesn't stray too far from the line, then everyone will jump on him.
              • *dim*

                *dim* Head Gardener

                Jun 26, 2011
                Obama is muslim (he has openly stated this) .... many believe that he has lied to them as regards his birth certificate (he was born in Kenya)

                Obama has changed the health reform already and is busy changing numerous other laws that are in the constitution .... and many in the USA say that he will soon try to change the law as regards gun ownership .... this is currently receiving a lot of debate on some of the conspiracy forums
              • HYDROGEN86

                HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

                Jul 17, 2011
                in the shed
                Yes it was Clueless not just this one though there used to be a time when if there was a mass shooting in the US the news story would have my full attention, where as now it feels like just another nutter on a rampage as sad as it is! - 12 people dead not that many really he was in a cinema with hundreds of people im amazed he only killed that many. If he had tried that with a hunting rifle or a shotgun i bet he would have only killed 1 or 2 people max he would not have been able to reload. So he may not have bothered at all like you say he may have just gone and smashed a few bus stops up instead.

                Even if he did not manage to outlaw them he could still try to tone it down a bit. Like in some states you can buy fully automatic AK47s, what would you need an AK47 for apart from shooting at large groups of moving people? If you are hunting you dont need weapons like that a simple hunting rifle is fine or a shotgun. Machine guns and assault rifles belong in the hands of the professionals who go through months if not years of training.... im not clued up at all really on politics, but i wouldnt think i would ever under estimate Barrack Obama, i heard tons of people say he will NEVER get elected to the whitehouse because he is black, well he is still there now :)
              • clueless1

                clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                Jan 8, 2008
                Same here. I would never underestimate Obama. I'm not cluedup on US politics, but from what I've seen so far, Barrack Obama is top bloke as far as politicians go. Certainly infinitely better than his predecessor.

                I wouldn't underestimate Obama at all, but he is one man. Its the electorate I'd underestimate, the same people that allowed a man who can't even form an intelligible sentence to take power.
                • Like Like x 1
                • HYDROGEN86

                  HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

                  Jul 17, 2011
                  in the shed
                  I feel the same way about Obama. If i was American i would have voted Obama, even though i know almost nothing about politics let alone US politics. So why would i vote for him? Just because he seems like a really nice guy really and he sang!! When he started singing, that was it he had won my vote right there forever. Does that make me a sucker? lol
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                  • ARMANDII

                    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                    Jan 12, 2019
                    It always bemuses me the way that if people don't like a Head of State [whatever the country] they will state this and that about them as fact just to try to reinforce whatever they believe about that person. Take Obama as an example, his father was a Muslim then became an Atheist, his Grandparents who were non practising Methodists and Baptists, while his Mother didn't even believe in the Church. If he is a Muslim then he obviously can't read as he keeps going to the wrong Church i.e: A Christian Church.
                    There are so many people will to undermine, spread stories, rumours, malicious gossip about anything and anyone.........and there are so many susceptible, disillusioned, people who are so eager to accept it as a fact of life.... and don't the spreaders of rumours, stories, conspiracies theories know it!! If someone was to spread the same sort of things about the people who are so willing to believe them they would be in offended, outraged uproar.!!
                    The USA is still by anyone's standards a young country, it was brought up on a diet of living in a environment of quick wars and arguments where a gun was the only way to defend yourself and your family. It's a culture completely different to ours and it is still developing politically, culturally and economically. I doubt whether the gun will disappear from their culture as it is ingrained in it and a lot of people have a weapon in their home in fear of attack by criminal, while the idea of hunting still has a strong following.
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                    • *dim*

                      *dim* Head Gardener

                      Jun 26, 2011

                    • ARMANDII

                      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                      Jan 12, 2019
                      Dim, there you go again.:doh: Willing to believe for,whatever reason, the things about the governments and people you want to believe.:lunapic 130165696578242 5: Posting videos, extracts from text published by Republican interests and other associated organisations that are determined to undermine, denigrate, and destroy any opposing thought or person is not substantiating your beliefs to anyone. Posting a Nazi propaganda from WWII, or a cartoon of Micky Mouse would not make me believe in their credibility, so why would a politically motivated Republican attack on a Democrat President make me such prose....or for that matter, you??.
                      American politics and politicians are allowed to reach the depths of slander, misrepresentation, character assassination, that we in this country can't understand, dislike intensely, and thank God [if there is one, but that's another argument:snork:] we don't allow. But like I mentioned earlier the political rumours, malicious gossip, and conspiracies that are published via whatever medium are targeted are a quite considerable number of people who for whatever reason want to believe the worst in life. If that's from discontentment in their own personal lives, jealousy of success, or other reason, I don't know, but their willingness to believe in such makes them easy meat for the people who must be laughing their heads off.:snork:
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