A nnouncement-Kandyfloss

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Kandy, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    MF I take the Echinacea whenever I have a cold,but was told at the Health food shop that you should only take them for no longer than either 6 or 8 weeks,I cannot remember which.

    I suffered with Sinitus for years,and it gradually got worse over the years.My face would be frozen on one side as if I'd had a stroke.
    I was on antibiotics for so long I think I started rattling.

    In the end 3 years ago both my tear ducts got infected with a streptococcal Infection and I was admitted into our local hospital and kept in Quaratine while being Intravinously pumped with 4.000 mg of antibotics every 6 hours round the clock.I also had to have eye drops put in, but the hospital found out through a swab sample that the bug was feeding off of the eye drops.

    I could download the photos of what my eyes looked like at the height of the infection,but it would put you off your tea.
    Suffice it to say I eventually had to have my tear duct tubes removed and new ones made.
    I then had a "P" shaped tube in each eye until they had healed.
    The tubes were pulled out after being cut through my nose with tweezers.
    I now know how the mummies in Egypt felt.
    Along with this I had the worst toothache pain imaginable .Which lasted from July-October.At one point,If I had been given a gun I could quite easily have used it on myself..But such is my life.I have always said I should have written a book on It.

    That is why I try not to worry too much about the future,because at the moment my survival into old age is more important..at least health wise...
    By the way,My husband does have a cough through the smoking but I have given up going on about it.I would get more through talking to a brick wall.

    We do exercise.It is mainly through walking in the hills of Scotland Wales and the Lake District.We have done the three peaks,though not in 24 hours like some do,or is it 48 hours.I cannot remember

  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi MF.Sorry I have been so rude talking about myself and my problems,and forgot to mention the pain and discomfort you must have gone through after your fall smashing your shoulder and arm.
    What did you fall off of?

    You could have ended up killing yourself,though I am glad to hear that slowly you have got better.But then we do have to soldier on.

    Take care

  3. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :eek: Oh, my, goodness, Kandy...!!!! You have certainly been through the mill. Not rude at all..!!!! You poor thing..!!! No wonder you are having such an up-hill battle!!! Well sounds like you are trying about everything, keep up the good work on the excersise then.. Well done.. You are doing well....!!! :D
    Oh & don't worry about me..!!! I am fine now apart from aches & pains... They couldn't understand how I didn't break my neck from the damage I did!!! :eek: Thank God I didn't!! You will laugh when I tell you what I fell off.......!!!!! [​IMG] The bottom step of the stairs.....!!! I live in an old cottage & there is a short passage way, so to speak about 1 yd long with the back door step on one side at the bottom there. I had just let my grandson walk ahead of me & stepped off!!!!!..... & crashed down literally on my right side. No time to put my arm out to save myself even, as space is confined.... [​IMG] I had never broken a bone in my life before so was in a bit of a state of shock. Very strange feeling... I split the top 6" or so of my arm up to the ball, (but no damage to the ball thank goodness) & shoulder right on the nose of the step that is made from a type of granite..... Ouch..!!!! :eek: Apparently I put so much sideways force on my shoulder & vertebra they couldn't work out why, as I said my neck wasn't broken. !! So count my blessings. Has been a hard slog back, but am nearly there. I can go shooting again now. Had to leave that alone for a year..!! So yes, just concentrating on getting fit now...!!! But we all have a damned good laugh at it all now..!!! I ask you the bottom step..!!!! :D :D
  4. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Sounds dreadful, MF, but glad you're on the mend and that you're progressing, Kandy. I've often heard that you can sustain greater injuries from something "minor" than "major".

    In my late teens I was driving a car that skidded, flipped and turned over three times. My head went through the side window and the engine ended up at my feet. I climbed out of the car through the door facing skyward, sustaining only a cut ear and small cuts to my head. The people who towed the car away were sure the driver had died and were shocked when I showed up the next day to survey the damage! Needless to say the car was a write-off! [​IMG]

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