Now here's a funny thing....

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by TaraMaiden, May 31, 2018.

  1. TaraMaiden

    TaraMaiden Gardener

    May 31, 2018
    Sales assistant, dog behaviourist.
    You know, sometime you just have to call it a day and turn the page and commence another project.
    In the 2 large pots now forlorn and empty, I shall plant my fig tree (in the smaller one - figs love to have their roots confined!) and in the larger one, I'm going to plant a persimmon sapling I have carefully tended now for around 5 years - my mother brought it back from Italy as a small seedling, nestling lovingly in her on-board luggage handbag... and now, it's doing really well, and with any luck, will grow to maturity.
    She brought the seedling from my cousin's garden, where she has a persimmon tree that is lush and abundant in its growth, and prolific at fruiting. Now, normally, persimmons are NOT self-pollinating; you apparently need 2 or three, although there are some varieties which carry both male AND male flowers; I shall have to check with my cousin what her situation is.... But frankly, the tree itself is very attractive, and I'm not wholly bothered about fruiting. At the moment.... :snorky:
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    • Gail_68

      Gail_68 Guest

      TaraMaiden when you pot them do you mind adding pic's mate as they sound lovely how you explain them :)

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